The Lord himself goes before you and will be with you; He will never leave you or forsake you. Do not be afraid; do not be discouraged.
Deuteronomy 31:8
I love to walk, but not alone.
My husband and I loved to go for walks. We would walk in our neighborhood, the Air Force base where we were stationed and in local parks.
Sometimes we would hold hands or just walk side by side. We might talk, or not. It didn’t matter. We were walking together. Together is the important word.
That’s how we walked through life until cancer took him in 2014. That’s when I started walking alone.
My world shattered. My future was uncertain. And my purpose disappeared in the emptiness. I lost who I was. I lost my dreams. I lost focus.
But just like walking always brings me back where I started, my broken heart brought me back to God’s word, sitting silently in His presence. It was there I cried, I was numb, I was speechless. He wrapped me in His arms and spoke to me from His word. Verses leaped off the page becoming etched on my heart. Each provided a twinkle of light, and that light sparked hope. I knew that more than loving God, I trusted Him. I could trust Him to walk with me.
So right then, Deuteronomy 31:8 was tattooed on my heart. I began speaking it out loud every day. “The Lord himself goes before you and will be with you; He will never leave you or forsake you. Do not be afraid; do not be discouraged.”
It is in God’s word that I found hope. It was a tiny light that got brighter and warmer as I spent time in scripture. . .in His presence. He was filling in the empty cavern inside me. The fact that He will be with me & never leave is what I needed to hear.
Do I know the whole plan? No. Do I like this part of the plan? No. But do I trust the One with the plan? Yes! Oh Yes!
It’s been nearly 7 years since I started my earthly walk alone. God has been with me through daunting life decisions. He has provided wisdom, resources, and help from faithful friends. I am truly very lonely, but I’m not alone.
This walk with God gives me a spark of joy in my heart. His purpose is unfolding as I take each step. The light of hope surrounds me and while it might only shine on my current step, it is enough.
I don’t know what loss has left you walking alone. But I know where you can find hope. I know Who will walk with you no matter where your journey takes you. Give God a chance and He will walk with you. Out of your emptiness a flicker of light will grow, lighting your path, and leading to hope.
Debbie, It was wonderful! I now have your special verse memorized for the day it will help me or someone I love!
Debbie – I’m so glad you have adopted the key verse too. It has meant so much to me as I have traveled this grief journey. Yes – please do share with someone, though not immediately, after they have experienced a loss. I have another one that has helped me so much especially moving to Louisville completely alone. It’s Isaiah 41:13 For I the Lord your God hold your right hand. It is I who says to you, ‘Fear not, I am the one who helps you.’ It is another verse that encourages me that while I am very lonely living here on earth, I am not alone. Precious and desperately needful for me these days. Peace & Blessings………………Debbie
Thank you for sharing. Loneliness is part of my world as well. It has now been 12+ years and I often ask God if I’m meant to be by myself for the rest of my days while here on earth. The pandemic has certainly increased that feeling of loneliness. Take care!
Joan – Boy do I understand the wondering if I’m meant to be by myself for the rest of my days. I sincerely do not want that. But I have left that desire in God’s hands. Yes – I remind Him of it from time to time, but I am trusting Him with the answer – not easy by the way. Sometimes I feel forgotten. My head knows that isn’t true, but my heart doesn’t always agree. The pandemic has made it TONS worse. I left my support system and moved to the desert. The pandemic shut everything down including church. So God took away almost everything from me………..devastating. But He showed me that when He was all I had, He was all I needed. A rough way to see that, but I can truly say I’m better for going through it.
I pray that God leads you every step of the way and that in the meantime, you find contentment and peace in the waiting. I miss you friend. Peace & Blessings…………..Debbie