In peace I will lie down and sleep, for you alone, O Lord, will keep me safe. Psalm 4:8
There have always been thoughts that steal our sleep; always been situations that upset us; always anxious feelings whether for good or bad. It’s probably been like this since the beginning of time.
Sometimes it’s a choice to hold onto the hurt, the sorrow, the unbelievably exciting, the infinite possibilities, the nervousness, or the pain. And other times all of that, or some of that, or a piece of that swirls around in our mind and heart on its own with seemingly no end.
I’ve experienced stolen sleep before and I bet you have too. Thankfully, it’s rare for me.
The most common reason for my lack of sleep has revolved around fear – intense fear. One time the fear was combined with shock, which my friend, is an unbelievably awful combination.
I would like to tell you that my fears were unfounded, but I can’t. No – the two times I’m thinking of were pretty accurate in outcome. Yet, there were great lessons to be learned in each of them. God is the reason the two situations ended up alright – not perfect,, not what I wanted, but alright – because it was all part of God’s plan.
It was probably 22 years ago or so when I first held onto Psalm 4:8. I was having a little trouble getting to sleep, so I decided to recite this verse over and over till I felt relaxed and sleepy. There is something so wonderful in speaking God’s word. God met me right there in my fear and calmed my mind and heart. This verse reminded me the Lord was my safety and because of that, I was ultimately secure.
There have been other times when I have recited that verse over and over till sleep would come. Each time I needed to know I was safe. I needed peace – complete peace.
As I write this we have been in a pandemic for roughly 7 months. We’ve been bombarded with information overload about not only the pandemic, but politics, financial uncertainty, culture uncertainty. . . . . . . . . . . . . .and a bit of fear.
So I believe it’s no coincidence that God brought me to Psalm 4:8 today.
This verse has been an anchor for me and I want to offer this anchor to you.
We all need absolute truth and peace these days. God’s word can give that.
If you haven’t known where to turn in God’s word for help, comfort and safety, try reading the Psalms. There you will find the writer is totally transparent and he points to the Rock that holds him securely.
I need that. Maybe you do too. Let’s dive into the Psalms. . .starting with Psalm 4:8. . .peace & safety – a very good place to start.
Let God put an end to stolen sleep.
I started reading Psalms about a week ago. For the first time, I really started listening to David, Psalm by Psalm. In the past, other than Psalm 22, 23 and 51, I sort of rushed through them. This time I’m letting David speak to me through those of his and I think many of those not credited to anyone, are probably his too. I’m sorry that in the past, I haven’t taken the trouble to digest them more completely and empathize with him. I think I’ve deprived myself of a great blessing. You have mentioned them in your blogs and I think that caused me to start taking them more seriously. Thanks a lot.