Waiting……..and Trusting

Psalm 27:14  Wait patiently for the Lord.  Be brave & courageous.  Yes wait patiently for the Lord.

Have you ever considered how much time you spend waiting?  As I write this I’m waiting for service to be completed on my car.  It’s necessary, but not fun.

We wait at the doctor’s office, dentist, grocery line, movie ticket line, concessions, DMV, restaurant, theme park – UGH!  The list goes on & on.

Are you waiting on God?  That’s where I am right now.  Matter of fact, it’s going on 5 months.  I’m trying to really listen.  I’m trying to be patient.  And in the waiting, I believe I’m learning to trust.

Where are you right now?  How long have you been waiting?  Has God been teaching you things in the waiting room?  Have you drawn closer to Him or are you choosing to sit in the dark. . .upset, frustrated, even angry?

It’s ok to feel these things.  God is big enough to hear, love & absorb your pain.  But don’t stay isolated.  Bring your frustrations to God and be honest.  He knows anyway.  Bring everything into the light.  There’s healing and help there.

Every situation is different.  Waiting is no one’s favorite thing.  But if you are a child of God, know that the waiting is for a purpose.  The tough part is we can’t see the purpose; we don’t know what’s going on or where we will come out of this.  I can talk about this openly because I’m living it.  And it’s a hard place to be.  Your waiting room is hard too – – – right?

Even though I am still in God’s waiting room, I’ve learned some things.  Please allow me to share them with you.  I’m clearly not an expert, but as one who is STILL sitting in the waiting room. . . . I’m seeing things differently.  The thing is – I might never have seen them this way if I had not entered the room.

I’ve not heard God’s voice audibly.  But I have heard it in my spirit.  It’s from this place that I heard Him say the following.  “I know you love Me.  Do you love Me enough to trust Me?  You believe & love but do you trust?  Do you trust completely?  In the waiting, I want you to rest. . .and trust. . .trust more.

In this room I have been blessed reading His word.  I’ve spent more time praying.  I’ve spent more time listening.  I’m learning to trust more.  Just when I think I’m getting to the top of my tank, the tank suddenly gets bigger and I need to do more – – – more waiting, more trusting.  You too?

It may seem like this isn’t going to be tied up neatly.  And you’re right.  But the point I want to make is – – – keep going.  Keep pressing into Him.  Keep praying.  Keep waiting.  Trust more.  Read & believe God’s promises in His word.

You and I are not finished yet.  But one thing we can take to the bank…………..we are God’s masterpiece, even while we are in the process.

~~God promises to finish the good work in us.  Philippians 1:6

~~God calls us a masterpiece!!  Ephesians 2:10

So in the waiting, dear friend………………………..TRUST !