Isaiah 1: 1-15
Have you ever tried to have a conversation with someone where you desperately tried to defend your ideas or actions, but were met with a hand block and turn away? Maybe you were not in defense position. Perhaps you were trying to apologize from the heart but the other person would not listen. In other words – talk to the hand.
This is what I thought of when I read Isaiah’s first chapter. The difference here is that God was perfectly right in not accepting the people’s sacrifices or worship. They had turned away from Him. They came to church to worship, but their hearts were turned from God and towards their sin. They were going through the motions with no heart and no repentance. They were filling squares with sacrifices but being disobedient in their hearts and lives.
It’s easy to say, “shame on them” or “how could they do that?” But isn’t this happening today? People come to church and go through the motions of worshiping God. They know the songs, the order of worship and when to stand or sit. They’ve got the formula down. But when they aren’t in church they are up to their eyeballs in sin.
However, before throwing stones, let’s ask ourselves a question. . . or a few. Are we guilty of this sometimes too? Even if we aren’t entrenched in a constant sin, do we come to church with the right attitude? Do we come to church to worship God and seek His face? Or, do we mindlessly get in the car, go in the building, sing the songs, listen to a sermon and go home – completely the same – no change?
I know there have been times I just went to church because it’s what I do. I’ve been numb before. I’ve “lost that lovin’ feelin’ ” when it comes to God. Of course I love Him, but He would never know it by looking at my heart.
Sometimes I’ve been distracted by so many things. My mind and heart are so cluttered, it’s hard to fit Jesus in too. He’s supposed to be first. He’s supposed to be firmly planted in the center with everything else floating around Him.
In this way, I remember the story of Mary and Martha. Martha had legitimate tasks to do, but she was so scattered and distracted that she was missing the most important thing – Jesus sitting in her living room! Her sister Mary, however, was focused on Jesus, sitting at His feet.
Honestly, I am much more like Martha. Distractions really get to me. Full disclosure – I let them get to me. So I cry out to God alot because the enemy knows it’s a weakness. Don’t you just hate that about him? He doesn’t play fair.
So this all comes down to us being real with God. Let’s get real about our sin. Let’s ask God to show us sin that has become a comfortable rut – sin we have rationalized away.
If we are in Christ, we should want His embrace and feel His presence when we worship. It should break our heart to visualize Him turning away from our worship. So let’s honestly confess from our heart.
As clearly as I can, I want to be totally clean between God and me. Am I perfect? Are you perfect? No – we will always be sinners saved by grace and dressed in HIS righteousness. But being honest about our sin and confessing it as well as turning away from it is the sweet spot. It’s where I want to be. I know you desire that too.
The only way to end this is with a prayer……………….
Lord – We know you desire obedience before sacrifice. You know the enemy hits us in so many ways and often we choose the sin. Help us to come before You honestly confessing and making things right between us. We don’t want to be hypocrites when we come together to worship You. You promise to forgive when we confess. How precious that is! Holy Spirit, touch our hearts with conviction. We love You and want sweet communion with You. May our worship be a fragrant aroma. We love you Lord. . .so much! Amen