Flying Above The Turbulence

But those who trust in the Lord will find new strength.  They will soar high on wings like eagles.  They will run and not grow weary.  They will walk and not faint.  Isaiah 40:31


I don’t want to do this anymore.

How did I get here?  Why is this happening to me?

We all ask these questions when life gets bumpy.  I’m asking them right now.  Life is beyond bumpy. It’s downright turbulent.

I used to think that if you questioned, you were weak in your faith.  But I don’t anymore.  It may be an indication that you are exactly where God wants you to be.  He knows the turbulence causes us to walk closer to Him, press in, listen more, and strengthen our trust muscle.

Looking up in the sky, we see beautiful blue skies with puffy clouds.  It looks serene, but I promise if you fly through the clouds or directly under or over them, you will bounce around.  As a pilot’s wife for nearly 40 years, I’ve experienced everything from a little bumpiness to continuous prayer turbulence. What you can’t see are the powerful updrafts and downdrafts.  You can’t see it, but you can feel it if you get close enough. Life is like that.  Everywhere you turn, there’s turbulence. 

So how in the world do we soar like an eagle above it all? 

We see practical help in today’s verse – a familiar one to most of us. “But those who trust in the Lord will find new strength.  They will soar high on wings like eagles.  They will run and not grow weary.  They will walk and not faint.”

 What should we do?  Trust in the Lord.  I need to do it too. Trusting is deep, strong and stabilizing.  When we trust, we can stand firm. It’s not because of us, it’s because of Him.  It’s because He alone is faithful.  Want to hear something comforting?  Nothing we experience surprises Him.  He knows the end from the beginning.  I love that!

How can we soar high?  Did you know eagles can reach an altitude of over 10,000 feet?  They continually soar up and glide down.  Sounds like life – constant ups and downs.  With eagles, the stronger the updraft, the higher they soar. We can do that too.


Most birds of prey look back over their shoulder before striking their prey.  But not eagles.  They stay singularly focused and undistracted. I want to be like an eagle. I want to trust undistracted, looking forward, not behind.

Surrender the circumstances and turbulence to Him.  It’s not easy in the midst of life’s bumpy ride, but He will strengthen us.   Our verse connects trust and new strength.  “But those who trust in the Lord will find new strength.” 

Can you use some new strength?  Want to soar like an eagle?  Me too!

No matter what it is, cry out to Him – trust Him.  He will give strength to fly above the turbulence.

The Awesome Imposssibleness of God

Isaiah 43: 1-3

It’s mid-January in St. Louis.  The dead of winter.  Snow on the ground, 10-12 inches worth.

As I sit in my chair reading Isaiah 43 in the stillness of the morning, I can sense the Spirit speaking to my heart.  

You & I read our bibles looking for something to feed our heart, mind and especially our soul.  Some days it’s stronger than others.  Today is strong, focused, encouraging, bringing hope.

Do not fear is found many times in scripture.  I love that because I need to hear that lots.  You too?

Sp much has happened over the nearly 6 years since my husband’s cancer diagnosis.  I’ve clung to the words – do not fear – in countless situations.  And I still do.  

The description of intense turbulence speaks volumes.  Have you ever felt like you were passing through waters?  Crossing mighty rivers?  Walking through fire?  Can you feel the fear of drowning?  Of fighting the current & depth of a river?  Of enduring intense heat so afraid of being burnt to a crisp?

We all walk through circumstances or situations that make us feel this way.  It’s frightening.  We cry.  We tremble.  We stumble.  We sometimes fall. 

But God never leaves us.  The most comforting part to me in this scripture is the phrase – I will be with you.  Friend, neither of us is alone.  God walks us through the most intense turbulence – waters, rivers and fire, that seem impossible.

But God. . .another common phrase in scripture.  I use it here to show you the awesome impossibleness (new word) of God.

Impossible is where God starts.  I heard that from Christine Caine, a well known Christian speaker and founder of A21 and Propel.  Can you hear God speaking against the intense turbulence in your life?  In this passage He says – don’t fear the waters because I will be with you; don’t fear the rivers because they won’t overflow you; don’t fear the fire because you won’t even be scorched.  And why is this?  “For I am the Lord our God.”

I hope this makes your heart feel better.  It does mine.  God is going to be with me.  None of my turbulent circumstances or situations will do me in because I have the God of the universe, of all time and space, walking with me & in charge of every single moment of my life. Life sometimes feels impossible.       But God. . . . . . .

He has redeemed me! He has called me by name! He knows who I am! And He’s got this thing called life. . .and I trust Him.

Here in the dead of winter, at the beginning of a new year, I have hope and confidence for the future.  I know I’ll come to Isaiah 43 several times this year as the turbulence rises.  I need to remember God hasn’t forgotten me.  I need to remember I am His.  I need to remember the turbulence is no surprise to Him.  I need to remember there’s no reason to fear because He is the Lord, my God.

Maybe you need to remember too.  When you do, when your situation or circumstances become overwhelming, run to Isaiah 43.  Remember the awesome impossibleness of God. 

Are you experiencing turbulence?

2 Corinthians 13:11

There is a card I have been using to hold my place in my bible as I’ve gone through 2 Corinthians.  A dear friend gave it to me one year after my husband was interred at Jefferson Barracks in St. Louis.  The card ministered to my spirit so profoundly that I wanted to have it close to read again and again.  This is what it says.

          Whatever comes your way today – circumstances around you or feelings within you. . . be certain of God’s still, small voice saying,  “You are Mine. . . I love you. . . and I’ll never let you go.”

Those are such precious words to me – to anyone grieving really.  But not just grieving – a person could be experiencing all sorts of turbulence.  These words soothe my heart.  They bring me peace.

Lately, I have seen  “love” and “peace” in scripture in several places.  It’s not a coincidence.  My heart has been experiencing a lot of turbulence lately. Sometimes life just seems hard — sometimes unfair – and sometimes we just hurt from discouragement or other reasons.  We need to know we are loved.  We need peace – but not just any peace.  We need God’s peace.

2 Corinthians 13:11 says “. . . the God of love and peace shall be with you.” (NASB)  In the last 4 verses of this chapter, Paul mentions God’s love and peace twice.  I needed to read my card AND I needed to see again in scripture that God does indeed love me as well as have the kind of peace He gives. God has my attention.

Does this come instantly like magic?  Do I suddenly feel perfectly fine?  NO.  What DOES happen is this.  As I turn my focus to my heavenly Father, read His word and offer my broken, troubled spirit, He comforts me.  He stills my heart.  He tells me again that He loves me.  He reminds me that while others may leave, He will not.  He’s with me every step, every hour, every moment.  I am not alone.  And I feel His peace wash over me.  I still have turbulence, but I choose peace.  Life isn’t perfect, but I choose peace.  My heart is still hurting, but God’s hand gently touches my heart.  he will stay till the tears subside and I finally rest in Him.  How awesome is that???

Just in case you’re reading this and are having a rough time too, reach out to God.  Realize you are not alone.  Talk to Him.  Lay it all out.  Cry, crumble, lay your heart on the altar.  God will pick you up.  He will never leave you.  And His incredible peace will wash over you.

Dear one – – – – I pray you will see and know that the God of love and peace will be with you – – – -always.