Where I Found Hope

The Lord himself goes before you and will be with you; He will never leave you or forsake you. Do not be afraid; do not be discouraged.

Deuteronomy 31:8


I love to walk, but not alone.

My husband and I loved to go for walks.  We would walk in our neighborhood, the Air Force base where we were stationed and in local parks.

Sometimes we would hold hands or just walk side by side. We might talk, or not. It didn’t matter.  We were walking together. Together is the important word.

That’s how we walked through life until cancer took him in 2014. That’s when I started walking alone.

My world shattered. My future was uncertain. And my purpose disappeared in the emptiness.  I lost who I was. I lost my dreams. I lost focus.

But just like walking always brings me back where I started, my broken heart brought me back to God’s word, sitting silently in His presence. It was there I cried, I was numb, I was speechless. He wrapped me in His arms and spoke to me from His word. Verses leaped off the page becoming etched on my heart.  Each provided a twinkle of light, and that light sparked hope. I knew that more than loving God, I trusted Him.  I could trust Him to walk with me.

So right then, Deuteronomy 31:8 was tattooed on my heart.  I began speaking it out loud every day. “The Lord himself goes before you and will be with you; He will never leave you or forsake you. Do not be afraid; do not be discouraged.”

It is in God’s word that I found hope. It was a tiny light that got brighter and warmer as I spent time in scripture. . .in His presence. He was filling in the empty cavern inside me. The fact that He will be with me & never leave is what I needed to hear.

Do I know the whole plan? No. Do I like this part of the plan? No. But do I trust the One with the plan? Yes! Oh Yes!

It’s been nearly 7 years since I started my earthly walk alone. God has been with me through daunting life decisions. He has provided wisdom, resources, and help from faithful friends.  I am truly very lonely, but I’m not alone.

This walk with God gives me a spark of joy in my heart.  His purpose is unfolding as I take each step. The light of hope surrounds me and while it might only shine on my current step, it is enough.  

I don’t know what loss has left you walking alone. But I know where you can find hope.  I know Who will walk with you no matter where your journey takes you. Give God a chance and He will walk with you. Out of your emptiness a flicker of light will grow, lighting your path, and leading to hope.

What Steals Your Sleep?

In peace I will lie down and sleep, for you alone, O Lord, will keep me safe.   Psalm 4:8


There have always been thoughts that steal our sleep; always been situations that upset us; always anxious feelings whether for good or bad.  It’s probably been like this since the beginning of time. 

Sometimes it’s a choice to hold onto the hurt, the sorrow, the unbelievably exciting, the infinite possibilities, the nervousness, or the pain.  And other times all of that, or some of that, or a piece of that swirls around in our mind and heart on its own with seemingly no end. 

I’ve experienced stolen sleep before and I bet you have too.  Thankfully, it’s rare for me. 

The most common reason for my lack of sleep has revolved around fear – intense fear.  One time the fear was combined with shock, which my friend, is an unbelievably awful combination. 

I would like to tell you that my fears were unfounded, but I can’t.  No – the two times I’m thinking of were pretty accurate in outcome.  Yet, there were great lessons to be learned in each of them.  God is the reason the two situations ended up alright – not perfect,, not what I wanted, but alright – because it was all part of God’s plan. 

It was probably 22 years ago or so when I first held onto Psalm 4:8.  I was having a little trouble getting to sleep, so I decided to recite this verse over and over till I felt relaxed and sleepy.  There is something so wonderful in speaking God’s word.  God met me right there in my fear and calmed my mind and heart.  This verse reminded me the Lord was my safety and because of that, I was ultimately secure. 

There have been other times when I have recited that verse over and over till sleep would come.  Each time I needed to know I was safe.  I needed peace – complete peace

As I write this we have been in a pandemic for roughly 7 months.  We’ve been  bombarded with information overload about not only the pandemic, but politics, financial uncertainty, culture uncertainty. . . . . . . . . . . . . .and a bit of fear. 

So I believe it’s no coincidence that God brought me to Psalm 4:8 today. 

This verse has been an anchor for me and I want to offer this anchor to you. 

We all need absolute truth and peace these days.  God’s word can give that. 

If  you haven’t known where to turn in God’s word for help, comfort and safety, try reading the Psalms.  There you will find the writer is totally transparent and he points to the Rock that holds him securely. 

I need that.  Maybe you do too.  Let’s dive into the Psalms. . .starting with Psalm 4:8. . .peace & safety – a very good place to start. 

Let God put an end to stolen sleep. 

Flying Above The Turbulence

But those who trust in the Lord will find new strength.  They will soar high on wings like eagles.  They will run and not grow weary.  They will walk and not faint.  Isaiah 40:31


I don’t want to do this anymore.

How did I get here?  Why is this happening to me?

We all ask these questions when life gets bumpy.  I’m asking them right now.  Life is beyond bumpy. It’s downright turbulent.

I used to think that if you questioned, you were weak in your faith.  But I don’t anymore.  It may be an indication that you are exactly where God wants you to be.  He knows the turbulence causes us to walk closer to Him, press in, listen more, and strengthen our trust muscle.

Looking up in the sky, we see beautiful blue skies with puffy clouds.  It looks serene, but I promise if you fly through the clouds or directly under or over them, you will bounce around.  As a pilot’s wife for nearly 40 years, I’ve experienced everything from a little bumpiness to continuous prayer turbulence. What you can’t see are the powerful updrafts and downdrafts.  You can’t see it, but you can feel it if you get close enough. Life is like that.  Everywhere you turn, there’s turbulence. 

So how in the world do we soar like an eagle above it all? 

We see practical help in today’s verse – a familiar one to most of us. “But those who trust in the Lord will find new strength.  They will soar high on wings like eagles.  They will run and not grow weary.  They will walk and not faint.”

 What should we do?  Trust in the Lord.  I need to do it too. Trusting is deep, strong and stabilizing.  When we trust, we can stand firm. It’s not because of us, it’s because of Him.  It’s because He alone is faithful.  Want to hear something comforting?  Nothing we experience surprises Him.  He knows the end from the beginning.  I love that!

How can we soar high?  Did you know eagles can reach an altitude of over 10,000 feet?  They continually soar up and glide down.  Sounds like life – constant ups and downs.  With eagles, the stronger the updraft, the higher they soar. We can do that too.


Most birds of prey look back over their shoulder before striking their prey.  But not eagles.  They stay singularly focused and undistracted. I want to be like an eagle. I want to trust undistracted, looking forward, not behind.

Surrender the circumstances and turbulence to Him.  It’s not easy in the midst of life’s bumpy ride, but He will strengthen us.   Our verse connects trust and new strength.  “But those who trust in the Lord will find new strength.” 

Can you use some new strength?  Want to soar like an eagle?  Me too!

No matter what it is, cry out to Him – trust Him.  He will give strength to fly above the turbulence.

A Brand New Thing

Isaiah 43: 16 – 19  The Message

The end of one year and beginning of another makes us think about  new things.  Many people consider making New Years resolutions.  

Most forget, ignore or fizzle out on these, but it still feels good to think about this fresh start each year.  Our problem is that  we are human -flawed and more often than not, inconsistent.  But there is One who is  totally and ever faithful.  He doesn’t change.  He won’t give up on us part way through.  He is not flawed – He is perfect.  

This is why, I believe, God brought this passage in Isaiah to my mind  this morning.  I particularly love verses 18 & 19.   “Forget about what’s happened; don’t keep going over old history.   Be alert, be present. I’m about to do something brand new.  It’s  bursting out! Don’t you see it? There it is!  I’m making a road  through the desert, rivers in the badlands.”  

How often we drag what’s happened in the past with us into the  present…………and on into the future?  I can’t help but think of the popular song from the movie,  Frozen………..Let it Go.  But we don’t  let it go…………..do we?  Not completely.  

The next part give us clues how to let go……………”Be alert, be present.” 

How alert are we really?  Honestly most of us should start a new  support group – Multitaskers Anonymous.  We are so busy and running so hard, it’s impossible to truly be alert to what God is doing.  We miss  so much.  And being present??  Our phones are wonderful things, but they distract us and take us away from meaningful listening, sharing,  fellowship………..loving one another.  

What’s this “something brand new” that God is about to do?  We don’t know.   But because He has said it, we must choose to believe it.  It’s faith………..pure faith.  Hebrews 11: 1 says it best, “Now faith is  the confidence in what we hope for & assurance about what we do not see.”NIV  If we could  figure it all out, we wouldn’t need faith.  Putting faith in something we can see,  something we know…………isn’t faith.  Trusting God for this “something brand new“………… believing though  we cannot see…………….relying on God’s character & who  He is………………….remembering  who we are in Christ and all He has done  before……….choosing to take  that step or that  leap forward…………..that’s faith.  

Walking our place on the planet makes us tired.  Life can be unfair,  upsetting, tragic.  We can easily have tired hope.  But faith………………Faith reminds us that God is at work in the silence.  God really is about  to do something brand new.  

Let’s hold on to this faith…………….this hope.  Let’s encourage one  another to push through the tired hope and watch our faith become sight.   Remember God’s word says,”Trust God from the bottom of your heart;  don’t try to figure out everything on your own.  Listen for God’s voice in everything you do, everywhere you go; He’s the one who will keep you  on track.”  The Message

Stuck In The Middle

Exodus 13: 21,22

For 6+ months I have felt like an Israelite in her tent out in the middle of the desert.  I’m watching the pillar of cloud by day and pillar of fire by night.  I am ready for it to move, at least I think I am.

The trouble with being stuck out in the middle of nowhere is it’s too far from the familiar and straight ahead is the unknown.  I have good memories of the familiar and the unknown makes me fearful.  I want to go back to the familiar, but that’s impossible.  I want to move forward even if I can’t see anything ahead, but clearly God is saying no because the cloud hasn’t moved.  Matter of fact most days it looks like it’s going to be there a long time.  Waiting.  I’m not good at that.

The thing is, if I’m honest, I’ve learned alot sitting here in the middle.  It’s not been easy.  Sometimes I retreat into my tent and fold like a deck of cards.  If I allow the enemy to speak into my life, I feel less-than.  I feel like I don’t matter because I’m not doing anything.  And fear takes over.  It’s a sad, lonely, unhappy place.  And just like the Israelites, I grumble.  It’s a natural response.  It’s what the Israelites did.

But when I fix my eyes on Jesus,  I spend time in His word and  I pray openly and honestly, He calms my heart and reassures me that this is all for something.  There’s a purpose.  He’s teaching me important lessons.  Maybe they are lessons for later.  Maybe they are to strengthen my heart and character.  Once again He calls me to trust.  Every time I turn around He seems to be asking me to trust.

The Israelites had to trust.  Here they were so very far from Egypt, and out in the middle of the wilderness.  It was a hot, dry business.  Each day looked like the other.  And I’m sure they asked one another, “when do you think the cloud is going to move?” They wanted to move forward.  They were anxious to reach their destination.

We are like that too.  We are so used to having things move quickly.  Touch screens, remotes, microwaves, and seemingly instant horsepower.  We expect everything to just keep happening.  Even if it’s not moving fast, it’s moving.  So when we end up out in the middle of nowhere waiting, it’s tough.

But, let’s learn something from the Israelites story.  At the right time, they entered the promise land.  The right time.  Let’s pray that we will faithfully trust God to take us to the promised land – when it’s the right time.

The Israelites also grew stronger both in faith and physically.  They went through tough tests in the middle of the desert.  Their faith was tested, strengthened.  They learned who God was and about His character.  And they built up physically.  While life in Egypt was extremely physical, they also weakened because they didn’t get enough food.  Out in the middle, God provided food.  He provided rest.  When the pillar of cloud didn’t move, they could rest to get ready for more of the journey.

So . . . I’m going to trust God more.  I want to move forward, but I also want to learn well the lessons God is teaching me.  I want to be stronger.  God won’t leave me out here in the middle and He won’t leave you either. He promises in His word to never leave us or forsake us.  And I trust He has a plan.  That’s something else He promises in His word.  He has a plan and it’s good.

Let’s do this together…………………………..

Lord – help us/me to trust You completely.  Help us/me to be faithful.  Teach us what we need to know.  Make us stronger for whatever is ahead.  Thank you for the promised land ahead.  Amen

The Final Word

Psalm 20:7

Someone recently told me they think while God is with us, that we need to just make our choices and decisions whether right or wrong.  Then if right – ok.  If wrong – God would say, “Well, don’t do that again.”  I have a hard time with this philosophy.  It’s as if God hasn’t been factored into the decision or situation at all.

My personal devo time in Everyday Holy by Melanie Shankle, sure presents a different idea – and one I whole heartedly agree with.

Psalm 20:7 – Some trust in chariots and some in horses, but we trust in the name of the Lord our God.

Here’s the quote at the end of this day’s devo that sums it up for me – and I’m passing on to you.

“The challenge is to quit looking at the strength we think the “chariots and horses” in our lives can give us – our own instincts, talents, and abilities – and to start trusting in Him, remembering that He holds the answers in the palm of His hand. “

Oh how I desperately want to always trust Him as my Sovereign God and not trust my own instincts, talents or abilities solely.  Yes – He has equipped me to think for myself, but He also wants me to look to Him IN EVERYTHING.  At every turn I need to ask, “what do You think about this Lord?”

May we tuck this verse from the Psalms into our heart and remember God should get the final word.

My God Just Gets Bigger & Bigger

Isaiah 55:8-9   Psalm 147:5   Psalm 8:3-4

All morning I have been meditating on how big God is.  I’ve mentally listed and thought on all the ways He blesses me, provides, speaks etc.  My hours have been spent focusing on His attributes and character. And I’ve discovered something profound – at least to me.  As time goes on, God is getting bigger and bigger for me.

It’s not that God has been or is small in any way.  But as we grow in our spiritual walk with Him, as we expand in our trust and love of Him, we find Him bigger.  We love more.  We trust more.  We believe for more.  We ask for more.  God keeps expanding just as our spiritual muscle expands and strengthens.  God doesn’t change – we do.  He is the same yesterday, today and forever. We continue to change – becoming more like Jesus and conforming to the image of Christ.  Hallelujah!

So on a day to day basis, how big is God to you?  Can He orchestrate an unexpected stop in your schedule?  Can He align things perfectly for people to meet and speak into each other’s lives?  Yes – – Yes He can.  He is, after all, the Author of the Play.  This is a continuing theme in my life.

Today is a case in point.  On my way home from physical therapy, I decided it would be really nice to stop at a Christian donut place for a not-on-my-diet donut and coffee.  While there, I noticed and overheard the conversation between twin sisters also taking a break.  My spirit sensed that their spirits were also connected to God.  As they walked passed my table, I stopped them and spoke what my spirit said was true.  We are sisters in Christ !  Their faces lit up with the glow of the Holy Spirit.  God confirmed over and over our “chance” meeting.  One sister suddenly voiced a bona fide need, saying she was trusting God to supply.  I got up out of my seat, put my arm around one on the left, one on the right and prayed over them.  Then they heard my story, but most important,  what God is doing in my life.  They both started prophesying over me – not general but specific.  It was supernatural and I felt a quickening in my spirit because this was the real deal.  This rarely happens.  Oh, there are people that try to speak into my life, but it’s their opinion, their best guess, their wishes or desires for me.  Bless them – – I listen but then let it go.  God gets the final say.

My God is big enough to arrange every moment of my life.  My God has a plan for me and His word says it’s a good plan.  I see in His word that He is a God of redemption, restoration, love, peace, blessing and much grace.  He is a God of order, not chaos.  So while some may say my God meeting today was coincidence, I know it was planned by God long ago.  He gave me the seemingly random thought to stop at this particular place for a yummy treat.  With all the available places to sit, God directed me to a table near my sisters in Christ.  God knew His child needed encouragement and someone to pray over her.  God knew I, too, needed encouragement – – to continue in His waiting room, to believe He has a great plan for me and to speak a specific prophecy about my future.

Every day – every step – every prayer – every moment – my God just gets bigger and bigger.

Happy New Year!

Happy New Year !

My apologies for being away from the blog for so long.  Fall is my over-the-top busy time and I didn’t manage it well with some of the new things in my life, like this blog.  I promise I will endeavor to restructure my time and get my act together.

Last Year

At the beginning of 2017, I noticed people on Facebook chose a word for the year.  Some examples were – joy, faith, grace. Mine for 2017 was –> God’s Timeline.  In 2017 God showed me that He is Lord of the timeline.  He is, in fact, Author of the play.  His Word clearly states that His ways are not my ways.  It all made sense.

This Year

For 2018 my word is Trust.  Not only am I seeing that word in bible study, song lyrics and sermons, but that word is popping up in other devos as well as Facebook, stores, you name it.  I’m convinced God is telling me to focus on this.  If I’m honest, I think I’ve only been trusting to a point. You too? If you are like me, this realization didn’t come easily.  It took some time in His presence talking to Him and more importantly, listening, in order to get it.   I see now that I have to completely trust Him in order to press into hope.


Hope. . .it’s what we long for – – – it’s what we need sometimes more than anything. And I want to get there, but right now things can seem pretty hopeless.  I know that God is working even when I can’t see, but in my heart, it’s not always easy to be “all in” with that.  And perhaps for me, trust and contentment go hand in hand.  God is truly calling me to be content where I am – and to be honest that’s a hard one.  This is where I have to rely on God’s promises, and so do you.  God is faithful even when no one else is.  God is fully and completely reliable.  God reminds me in His Word who I am in Him and that I have an awesome inheritance too.  I have a heavenly home waiting for me once all this earthly mess is done. So I’m choosing to believe that He is able to do “beyond the beyond’, as Priscilla Shirer says in one of her bible studies.  I choose to remember that “impossible is where God starts” as Christine Caine has said in her teaching sessions.

Are you struggling to trust completely?  Let’s do this thing together.  Keep in God’s Word – Keep praying & listening – Cling to His promises & know that He’s got all this – Jesus is able to do far more than we could ever ask or think. Hallelujah!

Ephesians 3:20-21  Now to Him who is able to do far more abundantly than all that we ask or think, according to the power at work within us, to Him be glory in the church and in Christ Jesus throughout all generations, forever & ever. Amen.


Living in the land of “Mostly”

Psalm 37: 3 – 7

It seems like I end up where I am today a lot over the past 3+ years.  I’m desperate to get back on track in my trusting, delighting, committing, resting and waiting patiently.  Though I know I’m not the only one that goes through this, at present it just feels so singularly focused – as though I am the worst of the worst.

Maybe I should explain.  After losing my husband over 3 years ago, it’s been a constant struggle to make big decisions and be responsible for so much outside my wheelhouse.  All the while I find myself continuing the path of service on many levels.  Sometimes it all gets to be a bit much, actually too much.  Add to that a deep loneliness and it makes for one hurting mess of a person.

You might look from the outside and see someone who is walking along with God quite well and trusting.  I’d have to agree with you most days.  But there are other days, like today, where I see so clearly that I am still trying to do some of it in my own power.  The giving over of self completely is what we all seem to struggle with, I think.

I could be wrong, but it seems like we end up in the land of “mostly”, most of the time.  Trusting Jesus mostly.  Committing mostly, waiting patiently mostly. . .and maybe not so mostly.  The trouble is, living in the land of “mostly” isn’t good.  At some point the Holy Spirit presses hard enough for us to really listen and our hearts break.  We are brought face to face with our sin of “mostly”. 

I sincerely believe that broken is where we need to be for God to display His love and His grace.  When we stop living “mostly” and give ourselves completely to Him, He will do great things in and for us.  How can He fill us when we are full of ourselves?  How can He bring hope and healing to us when we are trying to work it out on our own?  I read in my Jesus Calling perpetual calendar this morning, the following – and it’s quite profound.

“Understanding will never bring you peace.  That’s why I have instructed you to trust in Me, not your understanding. ”

This is, of course, from Proverbs 3: 5 & 6 – very good verses to memorize.

Back to Psalm 37.  Now that I’m broken, I can let God put me back together the right way.  I’m choosing to trust Him as much as I can, and letting Him empower me to trust more.  I’m choosing to delight in Him, something I need to be more intentional about.  I’m choosing to wait patiently – whoa. . . this is a tough one, no matter who you are. 

So whatever the outcome, I am actually thankful for this broken, tear-filled day.  Getting with God and being honest is very healing.  There will still be the struggle of “mostly”, but I’m leaning into God completely at the moment.  I’m fully trusting and putting His armor on for the rest of the day.  His power, not mine.

Lord – I’m a broken mess.  Please put me back together as only You can.  I choose to trust You completely.  Help my unbelief.  Help me stay in the completely camp, not the mostly camp.  Thank you Holy Spirit for pressing me so hard and breaking me.  I love You Lord and I lift my broken life to You – for your honor and glory.      —Amen


Divine Coincidences?

Luke 1

The first chapter of Luke is not the frequently read chapter of this book.  Usually Luke 2 is read repeatedly during the Christmas season.  But I’m focusing on the first chapter today and actually started my focus on this yesterday.

There’s so much I have never seen before.  Take the introduction, for example.  Luke explains that though many have written about the events surrounding Jesus’ birth and life, he’s going to write an accurate account of it too – after careful investigation of everything.  You can tell he’s a doctor with his attention to detail and accuracy.  There is no other book in the Bible that begins in this manner.  Luke firmly states he’s doing this so Theophilus, and you & I of course, can be certain of the truth.  This is the first of many things in this chapter that I find fascinating.

The next part that grips me is the way God orchestrated the birth of John the Baptist and Jesus.  Just look at the facts, which some might call divine coincidences.

The “Just Happens”……….

  • Zacharias and Elizabeth just happen to be in the priestly line of Aaron – not just Zacharias, but Elizabeth too.  When the bible talks about lineage, rarely does it mention the lineage of a woman.
  • Zacharias just happens to be taking his turn tending to the burning of incense in the temple which is done completely out of sight from everyone else in the temple.  This sets the scene perfectly for the visitation of Gabriel.
  • Then it just happens that after Zacharias goes home – bam – Elizabeth becomes pregnant, just like Gabriel said.
  • 6 months later the same angel, Gabriel, visits Mary, who is, by the way, a virgin.  Gabriel announces she will be pregnant without being with a man. And oh by the way, this baby is the Messiah, the Son of God.  Whoa………….
  • Mary just happens to accept the message and a few days later heads to see her relative, Elizabeth.  Mary has heard through family that Elizabeth is pregnant and that it’s a miracle.  Mary is drawn to go see Elizabeth – coincidence?
  • When Elizabeth hears Mary’s greeting, baby John inside her does a flip.  At 6 months that would have been a bit jolting since the baby is a good size by then.  Baby John just happens to be chosen by God before conception to be the one who will announce to everyone that Jesus is coming, so repent and get ready.  Baby John just happens to be a huge piece in the overall story of Jesus’ ministry beginning.
  • Mary just happens to be so moved with what Elizabeth has confirmed that she breaks into an amazing song of praise.  This very young girl just happens to be righteous and spiritually wise beyond her years.  She just happens to be able to connect all the dots of prophecy and 100% believe she is, in fact, carrying the Messiah – without having been instructed by a scripturally knowledgeable male, which was the only way women gained scriptural knowledge at that time.
  • John the Baptist is born and Zacharias just happens to suddenly be able to talk after 9+ months of being mute.
  • After being mute for 9+ months, Zacharias isn’t just able to talk, he speaks a prophecy about Jesus and his son, John, who will be a prophet of the Most High. Zacharias just happens to have this deep insight.

That’s an awful lot of “just happens”.  My God is so amazing in performing mighty works, of making the impossible, possible.  I see His hand in every piece of the story – mine too.

No coincidence………….God knew.

That’s my take away from all this.  God is working all the stuff of my life together too.  He knew before I was born that I would marry Tracy.  He knew the life we would have together.  He knew all the struggles and lessons learned.  He knew Tracy’s life would end before mine.  He knew the journey I would embark on as I said goodbye to Tracy.  He knew the calling I would embrace and the path this tragedy would cause me to walk.  He knew I would face challenges and loneliness.  He knows where I am going and whether it will be alone or with someone to walk beside.  He knows it all.  To Him my life isn’t a mystery, it’s history.  He already knows how it will all play out.  And so…..there really are no coincidences.  Everything happens for a reason.  Every person He places on my journey is important, so I must trust Him.

This reminds me of a song – a hymn actually.  “There’s no other way to be happy in Jesus, but to trust and obey.”  I may not know what my future holds.  But I know I can trust Him.  And – I know I must obey – do what I know He calls me to do.  And so…………even when it’s hard, even when my heart is breaking, even when I don’t understand – – – I will trust and obey – – – because there are no divine coincidences.  God is totally and completely in control.  He’s the author of the play.

The Gardener

Genesis 1 & 2

Every spring I look forward to digging up the soil, getting the weeds out and planting.  You wouldn’t call me an avid gardener though.  I’m not out there every day, other than watering.  Still, I really love preparing, planning and then planting.  The flowers and herbs bring me great joy.  I actually smile each morning as I tend to them.

Did God feel joy as He prepared, planned and planted the garden of Eden?  I wonder. . . .

Though I have read the first two chapters o the bible before, I honestly never saw that Father God was a gardener.  I had never seen Him doing that in creation and had never tied that to God preparing, planning and planting the garden of our lives.  It all makes sense though.  The picture of God planting different things in each season of our lives definitely works.

I look at my life and see how God planted, tended, protected and gave me what I needed to grow through the years.  I also see how my garden burned to the ground in 2014 when my husband died.  I found myself sitting in nothing but ash.  But bit by bit the fertile soil, nourished by the nutrients in the ash, began to recover.

The process has been painful but necessary.  Along the way God has used grief moments to work the dead ashes into the soil, turning it over & over.  He didn’t allow weeds and He tended the soil of my heart with great care.  He used His word, bible study and prayer to feed me.  He used music, dear friends and love from family to water my soul.  Now more than 3 years later I see growth.  The garden of my life has some green and a few flowers.


I am becoming – actually we all are.  God has been and will always be the Master Gardener.  We can trust Him to plan perfectly and plant beauty.  His word promises that “He who began the good work in you will continue his work until it is finally finished.” – Philippians 1:6.  Isn’t that good news?  We aren’t finished yet.  Our gardens aren’t fully mature.  God is still planting, still tending.  God is a good Gardener.

If you are in a season of ashes, or a season of painful weed pulling, just know God has a plan.  Know God not only loves you, but loves gardening.  And just like I thrill to see flowers bloom, God thrills to see each of us bloom and mature.  Our garden just looks better and better as we become more like Him.  So take heart.  No matter what your garden looks like, there’s hope.  God’s not done with you.  Matter of fact, He may just be in the beginning season of restoration. 

Trust the Master Gardener.  Let Him restore your soul.  He will  “do exceedingly abundantly beyond all you ask or think.” – Ephesians 3:20

I can’t wait to see the finished garden – mine and yours.

Are you a hypocrite?

2 Corinthians 12:9 NLT

My grace is all you need.  My power works best in weakness.

None of us want to admit to a weakness.  Our culture and society pushes us to be strong, never admitting we don’t have it all together.  The crazy thing is, it’s not real.  Every single one of us struggles with something.  None of us has it completely together.  So Christian or not, we are all a little bit of a hypocrite.

Isn’t that one of the main reasons non-Christians refuse to go to church?  They think we are all hypocrites.  And we ARE in one way or other.  We all sin.  We all fail.  The difference is that we can go to Jesus – – confess, repent, be restored.  And so – – we are not really hypocrites.  We’re forgiven.  Where we become hypocritical is when we lie about our confessed sin.  It’s easy to go to God, accept restoration, but never own up and take responsibility for our words or actions.

The deal is, the world isn’t looking for us to be perfect.  They are looking for people who are authentic – – real.  They stand up and take notice when we own up to a transgression with words of apology.  Unfortunately that scenario is a rarity.  People don’t want to hear words of faith.  They want to see it lived out in your life.  When they see faith lived authentically, they become curious and may just decide that Jesus is worth a second look.

The thing is, if I’m honest, I’m not happy about my weaknesses, my failings, the chinks in my armor.  I would really like to hide all that.  Can’t I just keep it between Jesus and me?  Um……..no, not if I’m serious about being real.

It’s the Velveteen Rabbit story.  When the Velveteen Rabbit became real, his stitching was not intact, his fur was rubbed off in places.  But, he was real.  He was well loved.  He was accepted as is.  In fact, he was treasured.  I want that.  So I need to embrace the things in me that are less than.  I must embrace being honest and authentic.  It’s crucial for me to hold  myself accountable and make apologies.

Bottom line – – I have to be all in with Jesus.  I must totally believe 2 Corinthians 12:9.  God’s grace is all I need.  His power works best in my weakness.  I must unconditionally trust Him.

I invite you to completely trust Him too.  We aren’t wired to roll this way, but with God we can change.  We can embrace the weakness instead of hiding it.  If we are faithful to live authentically before others, it could lead to an opportunity to share what makes the difference in our life.  We can share that it’s not a religion, it’s a relationship.

Lord –  so much in me wants to hide my flaws and mistakes.  Help me trust You completely.  Give me courage to live authentically and be quick to apologize.  Through this let others see You in me.                  – Amen