2 Corinthians 9
I’m sitting in my living room, reading God’s word and listening to the Holy Spirit. Not all that unusual you probably say. Except – – -it’s the middle of the afternoon.
You see I had surgery yesterday on my face. The doctor removed a basal cell carcinoma. So at this point there’s not much I can do around the house because I’m not supposed to bend over or exert myself for a couple days. So I’m spending some time with God. It’s pretty neat to NOT have a schedule today. And yes, I feel sorta like a bum. But by jumping off the world for a day, I can hear what God says much easier.
All of that leads up to the main message my heart is hearing from today’s passage. It’s about grace giving – the ministry of giving.
Grace Giving
Usually sermons or studies focus on verse 6 which talks about sowing sparingly or generously. And I get it. That’s certainly part of grace giving. But there’s more.
In this passage it’s clear that it’s all God’s and we are to be faithful stewards. He’s the one providing the seed, or the resources. He is also the one that provides the increase and then prompts our generosity. Every component of this is in synergy. The only time it doesn’t work is when we drop the ball.
God has given us resources, talents, time, love, energy and food to share and give generously. When we obey His call to grace giving, God gives back so we can give more. It just goes on and on and on.
But if we take God’s gifts and hold them tightly, saying no to grace giving, the whole thing short circuits. The world will not see our abundant God or His love if we don’t embrace grace giving.
The great thing about this is that we don’t have to be millionaires to be generous. Grace giving is giving from what you have. Honestly most people treasure the time we invest or the meal we share with them. It doesn’t have to cost a lot. But I also know from experience that giving financially reaps blessings as well. The key to it all is to listen to the Holy Spirit. He will tell us and prompt us what to give, share or offer.
How many times have you seemingly out of the blue sensed you needed to speak to someone, or text or call? And then when you did, it’s obvious why God prompted you to contact them. I look at those times and cringe for the times I wasn’t paying attention or was just too busy.
What I’m taking from this passage is a renewed commitment to give what I have. I want to invite others to my home for a meal, write a note to send snail mail, give monetarily as I can to meet needs. And even easier than that, I want to take time to speak with and listen to others. I want to be completely present with them to convey value and worth. I want to listen more intently to the promptings of the Holy Spirit so I don’t miss any opportunity to be the hands and feet of Jesus.
I want to generously give what I have, knowing God will restock my supply so I can keep giving.