God Is With Us & That Makes All The Difference

Matthew 1:23   Joshua 1:9    Matthew 28:20   Jeremiah 29:11-13

There’s one thing I’ve done as a widow of 6+ years – walk alone

Seems like a simple statement, but it’s not. 

The two words – walk alone – are heavy, sometimes unbearable.  Because in those words are carried overwhelming decisions, countless events and meetings, even relatively ordinary choices, plus the heart crushing quiet of every. single. night. 

If you’ve never experienced this, my words probably seem pretty heavy handed.  I assure you, they are not.

I hear you asking, so how can you continue to live each day moving forward with this constant heaviness?

Oh friend, let me tell you. 

The heavy burden is still there but I’m not really walking the journey alone.  You see, I have the promise and complete assurance God is with me

When Jesus arrived on the planet, He had many names.  One of them was Immanuel, which means, God with us.  Not God watching from a distance or God standing on the sidelines waiting to give a thumbs up or even God coming for a visit a few times a year. 

No. He is actually with us. This promise is echoed many times in scripture.  I believe God knew we would need to hear it over & over and so He told us – over & over. 

We are bombarded by subtle and not so subtle messages that say – you are completely alone.  It’s one of the recurring themes of the enemy. Unfortunately, it’s extremely effective. 

The enemy of our souls is constantly feeding us the message that we aren’t smart enough, pretty/handsome enough, strong enough, wise enough, thoughtful enough, friendly enough, talented enough – all of that.  We spend thousands of dollars on things that will make us enough.  Or we abandon it all and plummet into the abyss of perceived failure, in whatever form it manifests. But it’s all a lie. 

If you are a Christ follower, God plus you is a majority.  Once He’s with you, He’s always with you.  He will never leave you or forsake you.  Others will leave, sometimes by choice, sometimes not, as in death.  But God is with you from now to forever. 

I have to admit that when I’m feeling the lowest and most alone, the last thing I want to hear is someone say – but God is with you,  so you’re not really alone.  I know that.  I really do.  It’s the only reason I’m still standing. 

When I speak of the awfulness of being physically alone, it’s just that.  Yes, God is with me – He is SO with me.  But in a tangible way, as in a person standing before me with skin, I’m totally alone.  It’s in those times, when the aloneness is so very painful, that I cry out to God.  Actually, I simply cry.  Eyes leaking, ugly sobbing, no words crying.  And I know He heard me.  He is with me. 

The thing is, not only is that very much a physical and emotional release, it’s a touchable moment with God.  It’s a time with God that He isn’t just ethereally present.  He’s perceivably and unmistakably with me.  It’s certain, authentic and nearly tangible in a spirit sort of way.  God, who is Spirit, places His hand on my heart, and holds  it together from shattering irreparably.  He enfolds me in His arms as I lean on Him completely melting.  And He speaks the most piercing, encouraging, inspiring and hope filled words to me. 

He says, “Remember Whose you are and remember who you are.  You are loved, blessed, chosen, adopted, redeemed & forgiven.  You are a daughter of the King.  You are a warrior princess.  You are spectacularly put together.  Your life matters.  I have a plan for you.  It’s not meant to crush you.  It’s a plan full of wonder and hope.  You’re still here, so you have a purpose.  I created you for such a time as this.  I’m right here.  I will always be here.  When you feel weak or unsure, I will be there to give you my strength, wisdom & assurance.  You’re going to be ok, actually more than ok. You’re going to be great.  Keep pressing in to hear from Me.  Trust me with ALL your heart & stop trying to figure everything out.  I am with you………….and that makes all the difference.”

Crushed By Love

Isaiah 49:16           Psalm 139

Honestly – I’ve been crushed lots lately.  Crushed by a broken heart, overwhelming responsibilities, future uncertainties, intense loneliness, fear of failure – just to name a few.  But as I sit with God, I am crushed by His crazy awesome love for me.  And I am totally crushing on Him because despite the mess that is SO me, He loves me.  He loves me even though I say the wrong things, am afraid, am broken and feel so unworthy.

I’ll never understand His love for me – to die for me is huge enough on it’s own.  But since becoming His child, He still loves me and keeps me even when I’m a disappointment.  His word confirms this over and over.  My name is engraved on His hand – God has tatoos! And He promises He will never leave me – ever!  He gives me promises all over scripture – both Old Testament and New.  And He sprinkles encouragement abundantly through out.  He knows I need it – and He knows you do too.

See, the deal is, I’m not writing this stuff just for me.  Although, writing things down has helped me sort things out and walk closer to God.  No – this stuff is meant to help YOU too!

It’s not easy being transparent in front of the world.  The thing is, if I’m struggling with stuff, I know you are too.  Each one of us wrestles with our own issues.  What crushes you doesn’t crush the next person.  But the fact is – we all get crushed.

This crushing has a purpose.  Our brokenness isn’t for nothing.  And so let’s explore crushing for a moment.

We hate feeling crushed.  But what can crushing do that’s good?  How can a broken soul help another?

When petals of a flower are crushed, that’s when it’s most fragrant.  When a vase is broken and put back together, there are cracks.  If a light is put inside the vase, it will shine through the cracks.

In one way or another, we are all crushed or broken.  God is the Light within us.  And it’s His love that holds us together.  I don’t understand it all, but I do know that it’s all for a reason.  God’s word says each of us has a purpose.  God has plans for us that are good.  None of our mess and frailty are surprises to Him.  He never looks at us and says, “Wow.  I did not see that coming.”  He knows us and loves us anyway.  He calls us by name.

Everything I’m going through is for a reason.  All you are going through is too.

In the midst of our crushing and brokenness, let’s fix our eyes on Jesus, the Author and Perfecter of our faith.  Let’s fall into the arms of Jesus and soak in His crazy awesome, unconditional love.  Let’s put on God’s Armor and take a step forward.  Let’s crush on Jesus and His love.

Crushed and broken we may be, but His light will shine through us and that’s beautiful.

Stuck In The Middle

Exodus 13: 21,22

For 6+ months I have felt like an Israelite in her tent out in the middle of the desert.  I’m watching the pillar of cloud by day and pillar of fire by night.  I am ready for it to move, at least I think I am.

The trouble with being stuck out in the middle of nowhere is it’s too far from the familiar and straight ahead is the unknown.  I have good memories of the familiar and the unknown makes me fearful.  I want to go back to the familiar, but that’s impossible.  I want to move forward even if I can’t see anything ahead, but clearly God is saying no because the cloud hasn’t moved.  Matter of fact most days it looks like it’s going to be there a long time.  Waiting.  I’m not good at that.

The thing is, if I’m honest, I’ve learned alot sitting here in the middle.  It’s not been easy.  Sometimes I retreat into my tent and fold like a deck of cards.  If I allow the enemy to speak into my life, I feel less-than.  I feel like I don’t matter because I’m not doing anything.  And fear takes over.  It’s a sad, lonely, unhappy place.  And just like the Israelites, I grumble.  It’s a natural response.  It’s what the Israelites did.

But when I fix my eyes on Jesus,  I spend time in His word and  I pray openly and honestly, He calms my heart and reassures me that this is all for something.  There’s a purpose.  He’s teaching me important lessons.  Maybe they are lessons for later.  Maybe they are to strengthen my heart and character.  Once again He calls me to trust.  Every time I turn around He seems to be asking me to trust.

The Israelites had to trust.  Here they were so very far from Egypt, and out in the middle of the wilderness.  It was a hot, dry business.  Each day looked like the other.  And I’m sure they asked one another, “when do you think the cloud is going to move?” They wanted to move forward.  They were anxious to reach their destination.

We are like that too.  We are so used to having things move quickly.  Touch screens, remotes, microwaves, and seemingly instant horsepower.  We expect everything to just keep happening.  Even if it’s not moving fast, it’s moving.  So when we end up out in the middle of nowhere waiting, it’s tough.

But, let’s learn something from the Israelites story.  At the right time, they entered the promise land.  The right time.  Let’s pray that we will faithfully trust God to take us to the promised land – when it’s the right time.

The Israelites also grew stronger both in faith and physically.  They went through tough tests in the middle of the desert.  Their faith was tested, strengthened.  They learned who God was and about His character.  And they built up physically.  While life in Egypt was extremely physical, they also weakened because they didn’t get enough food.  Out in the middle, God provided food.  He provided rest.  When the pillar of cloud didn’t move, they could rest to get ready for more of the journey.

So . . . I’m going to trust God more.  I want to move forward, but I also want to learn well the lessons God is teaching me.  I want to be stronger.  God won’t leave me out here in the middle and He won’t leave you either. He promises in His word to never leave us or forsake us.  And I trust He has a plan.  That’s something else He promises in His word.  He has a plan and it’s good.

Let’s do this together…………………………..

Lord – help us/me to trust You completely.  Help us/me to be faithful.  Teach us what we need to know.  Make us stronger for whatever is ahead.  Thank you for the promised land ahead.  Amen

The Milking Bucket

2 Corinthians 4: 7 – 12

When I was a young girl, I spent a good bit of time at my Uncle Albert and Aunt Marie’s farm.  They had various animals, but what I’m thinking about today are the cows.  More precisely, I am remembering the milking buckets.

Of course new methods are used to milk cows, but I remember when you pulled up a stool, put the bucket under the cow and milked by hand.  Yes, there was a definite smell in the barn, but I really did get used to it.  And yes, the first time I milked a cow, it felt weird grabbing that part of this animal.  I was always afraid of getting kicked.  My cousins assured me the cow was expecting to be milked and as long as I didn’t hurt her, she would just stand there while I milked her.  They were right. . . . . . so I relaxed and even talked to the cows sometimes.  But enough reminiscing.  Lets get back to the milking bucket.

The Bucket

The milking bucket was metal.  Even though used in a dirty barn, the buckets were kept very clean.  After all, a food was being collected.

Where I’m going here is to equate the milking bucket to the clay jars described in 2 Corinthians 4.  Just like the jars were knocked about and showed damage, the milking buckets did too.  Occasionally a bucket would get kicked or just toppled over if a cow bumped into it.  After that sort of treatment, the bucket had a few dents & dings on the sides, especially after several years of use.

Sometimes the person milking, in an effort to reduce the number of dumping trips, would milk until the bucket was nearly full.  At that point it was much more difficult to carry.  Often while transporting, the bucket would move and sway.  Milk, white treasure, would spill out.

We are clay jars, a little like the milking bucket.  We get knocked around in life.  Tough circumstances from outside or from within our own selves put stress on our earthen vessel.  We chip or crack a bit and sometimes when we are jarred, treasure spills out.

Maybe that sounds bad.  But remember that unlike the milk, when our treasure spills out, it blesses others.  God uses the wonderful treasure we have in our clay pots to encourage, love, care for and lead others to saving faith.

We look at our worn, damaged pot thinking we have nothing to offer.  “Why would God use me?”, you ask.  But He looks at us and says, “You are perfect just the way you are.”  Your jar doesn’t look like anyone else’s jar.  That’s because what God has for you is completely unique.  No one else has the purpose God has chosen for you.  God knows the plans He has for you, and they are good.  His thoughts & ways are not like our thoughts or ways.  I’ve  heard Beth Moore say that when God has a thought, the entire plan is already there.  It’s complete down to the smallest detail.  When you or I have a thought, it’s just an idea.  Planning comes later.

God knew. . . . . .

God formed each one of us and knew from the very beginning what our pots would look like – not just at the beginning, but at the end too, and every moment in between.  Our cracks, dents, or imperfections are not surprises to God.  And He is well able to complete the work He started in us.

I’ve enjoyed remembering the farm, my family, the barn, the cows and the milking buckets.  It was a happy time in my life.  But I think I will stick to the clay pot visual for myself.  I like knowing that God personally formed my clay pot and has a good plan for me.  I’m a treasure-filled clay pot with a purpose. You are too.