When Ordinary Snow Becomes Extraordinary

When the Almighty scattered the kings there, it was snowing in Zalmon.  Psalm 68:14  (NASB)


Snow . . . it’s one of my favorite things.  It’s so pretty and it quiets the world.  Have you noticed that?

One thing my late husband and I enjoyed was taking a walk in the first snow. Usually this was at night after dinner. It seemed like God had wrapped the world in cold cotton and silenced the noise.  It was magical and peaceful. 

Of all the times I have read through the bible and even more times the Psalms, I have never noticed the reference to snow. Of course I had to Google to see if it snows in Israel.  Was this a real thing?  Yes it is !  It snows in a few areas of Israel, particularly the north. 

Next I Googled Zalmon to pinpoint it’s location.  Zalmon is in the northern region of Israel.  The ruins of Zalmon are located directly south of Wadi Zalmon National Park.  So experiencing snow there is completely possible.  What a great discovery !  There’s lots of weather in the bible, but snow?  Yes – ordinary snow. 

Call me crazy, but I thrill to see ordinary things cited in scripture.  It makes me smile, and yes, chuckle, to read about snow in the bible.          Oh how God delights us as we read His word! Isn’t it extraordinary how He communicates deep truth as well as the joyful, ordinary things? God provides the perfect balance of heavy and light.  I love that about Him !

So what do we know about snow?  What would it have to do with scattering an enemy army?

Well, we know that in a snowstorm, visibility can be tough.  Snow also deadens sound, so verbal communication would have been challenging.  Also, depending on how much snow was on the ground, it could have been difficult marching on foot or traveling on horseback. 

Did God bring the falling snow to aid in scattering the enemy?  I think that’s a logical possibility.  Of course, this is just my imagining.  And while plausible, it could just be a statement of fact tucked into scripture. 

No matter what the truth of the snow reference,  I love seeing God in the ordinary. 

We don’t usually assign anything spiritual to ordinary snow. It’s usually an inconvenience to us.  It cancels plans and causes rescheduling.  For kids it means playing and hot chocolate. But what if God wants us to see Him in ordinary snow? 

Maybe God brings snow to make us smile at it’s beauty and hear laughter as kids build snowmen.  Maybe it’s to slow us down to enjoy time snuggling under an afghan, reading a good book. Maybe it gives us a leisurely morning in our PJs in front of the fire with an extra cup of coffee. 

After reading about snow in the Psalms, I don’t think snow will ever be ordinary for me ever again. 

What Steals Your Sleep?

In peace I will lie down and sleep, for you alone, O Lord, will keep me safe.   Psalm 4:8


There have always been thoughts that steal our sleep; always been situations that upset us; always anxious feelings whether for good or bad.  It’s probably been like this since the beginning of time. 

Sometimes it’s a choice to hold onto the hurt, the sorrow, the unbelievably exciting, the infinite possibilities, the nervousness, or the pain.  And other times all of that, or some of that, or a piece of that swirls around in our mind and heart on its own with seemingly no end. 

I’ve experienced stolen sleep before and I bet you have too.  Thankfully, it’s rare for me. 

The most common reason for my lack of sleep has revolved around fear – intense fear.  One time the fear was combined with shock, which my friend, is an unbelievably awful combination. 

I would like to tell you that my fears were unfounded, but I can’t.  No – the two times I’m thinking of were pretty accurate in outcome.  Yet, there were great lessons to be learned in each of them.  God is the reason the two situations ended up alright – not perfect,, not what I wanted, but alright – because it was all part of God’s plan. 

It was probably 22 years ago or so when I first held onto Psalm 4:8.  I was having a little trouble getting to sleep, so I decided to recite this verse over and over till I felt relaxed and sleepy.  There is something so wonderful in speaking God’s word.  God met me right there in my fear and calmed my mind and heart.  This verse reminded me the Lord was my safety and because of that, I was ultimately secure. 

There have been other times when I have recited that verse over and over till sleep would come.  Each time I needed to know I was safe.  I needed peace – complete peace

As I write this we have been in a pandemic for roughly 7 months.  We’ve been  bombarded with information overload about not only the pandemic, but politics, financial uncertainty, culture uncertainty. . . . . . . . . . . . . .and a bit of fear. 

So I believe it’s no coincidence that God brought me to Psalm 4:8 today. 

This verse has been an anchor for me and I want to offer this anchor to you. 

We all need absolute truth and peace these days.  God’s word can give that. 

If  you haven’t known where to turn in God’s word for help, comfort and safety, try reading the Psalms.  There you will find the writer is totally transparent and he points to the Rock that holds him securely. 

I need that.  Maybe you do too.  Let’s dive into the Psalms. . .starting with Psalm 4:8. . .peace & safety – a very good place to start. 

Let God put an end to stolen sleep. 

A Shield, Head Lift & Peaceful Sleep

But Thou, O Lord, art a shield about me, my glory, and the One who lifts my head.  I was crying to the Lord with my voice, and He answered me from His holy mountain.  I lay down and slept; I awoke, for the Lord sustains me.    Psalm 3:3-5


These days I want some good news.  You too??

This year, 2020, started out a bit rough and has continued to be one unhappy event after another.  It feels so unending.  I want some good news.  I want to feel a little peace.

So I started reading in the Psalms.  It’s one of my favorite places to go when my heart is a mess.  David is so transparent about what he’s feeling and we get to look into his honest conversations with God. 

These conversations mean so much to me!  They’re real.  They show struggle and overwhelming joy.   Every emotion – every devastating moment – every tear – every dance.  It’s all there and you and I get to experience what David wrote on the page.

Today I looked at Psalm 3 but was particularly drawn to verses 3-5.

This day, I need to be reminded that God is my shield.  The world is out of control, but God is protecting me.  My heart has been up and down, but His shield guards me.  Knowing that gives me courage to face another day.

But I still have my head down sometimes.  You know, life can still feel like too much.  My heart may feel more courageous behind the shield, but my head is still heavy.  That’s why I’m so grateful for the next part of verse 3.  God lifts my head.

The lifting of my head reminds me I’m a daughter of the King.  I’m His princess.  He lifts my head so He can see my face.  And I can see His face too.  his gaze is tender, encouraging and joyful.  I have nothing to fear as I look up.

He has heard my cries to Him.  He knows – He sees – He hears.  And He answers. (verse 4)

Because He’s my shield and lifter of my head, because He hears me and answers, I can peacefully sleep.  

Everyone wants to experience verse 5.  Right??   “I lay down and slept; I awoke, for the Lord sustains me.”

Wow – peaceful sleep because I have nothing to fear.  Peaceful sleep knowing when I awake God will sustain me.  He will help me face the new day. 

2020 isn’t done.   There may be a few more twists and turns.  But for today – this moment right now – my heart is encouraged.  And when I need to cry out to Him again, He will hear me. 

How thankful I am for the Psalms!  God’s word is simply the best and the Psalms do more for my heart than any Netflix movie every could. 

If you need some good news or encouragement, check out Psalm 3.  It’s just one petal in a vast floral arrangement that is the Psalms.  Look closely there and find help, comfort, protection and peace.

Peace & Blessings……………………………..

Living in the land of “Mostly”

Psalm 37: 3 – 7

It seems like I end up where I am today a lot over the past 3+ years.  I’m desperate to get back on track in my trusting, delighting, committing, resting and waiting patiently.  Though I know I’m not the only one that goes through this, at present it just feels so singularly focused – as though I am the worst of the worst.

Maybe I should explain.  After losing my husband over 3 years ago, it’s been a constant struggle to make big decisions and be responsible for so much outside my wheelhouse.  All the while I find myself continuing the path of service on many levels.  Sometimes it all gets to be a bit much, actually too much.  Add to that a deep loneliness and it makes for one hurting mess of a person.

You might look from the outside and see someone who is walking along with God quite well and trusting.  I’d have to agree with you most days.  But there are other days, like today, where I see so clearly that I am still trying to do some of it in my own power.  The giving over of self completely is what we all seem to struggle with, I think.

I could be wrong, but it seems like we end up in the land of “mostly”, most of the time.  Trusting Jesus mostly.  Committing mostly, waiting patiently mostly. . .and maybe not so mostly.  The trouble is, living in the land of “mostly” isn’t good.  At some point the Holy Spirit presses hard enough for us to really listen and our hearts break.  We are brought face to face with our sin of “mostly”. 

I sincerely believe that broken is where we need to be for God to display His love and His grace.  When we stop living “mostly” and give ourselves completely to Him, He will do great things in and for us.  How can He fill us when we are full of ourselves?  How can He bring hope and healing to us when we are trying to work it out on our own?  I read in my Jesus Calling perpetual calendar this morning, the following – and it’s quite profound.

“Understanding will never bring you peace.  That’s why I have instructed you to trust in Me, not your understanding. ”

This is, of course, from Proverbs 3: 5 & 6 – very good verses to memorize.

Back to Psalm 37.  Now that I’m broken, I can let God put me back together the right way.  I’m choosing to trust Him as much as I can, and letting Him empower me to trust more.  I’m choosing to delight in Him, something I need to be more intentional about.  I’m choosing to wait patiently – whoa. . . this is a tough one, no matter who you are. 

So whatever the outcome, I am actually thankful for this broken, tear-filled day.  Getting with God and being honest is very healing.  There will still be the struggle of “mostly”, but I’m leaning into God completely at the moment.  I’m fully trusting and putting His armor on for the rest of the day.  His power, not mine.

Lord – I’m a broken mess.  Please put me back together as only You can.  I choose to trust You completely.  Help my unbelief.  Help me stay in the completely camp, not the mostly camp.  Thank you Holy Spirit for pressing me so hard and breaking me.  I love You Lord and I lift my broken life to You – for your honor and glory.      —Amen