He Knows Your Name

John 20: 16  Jesus said to her, “Mary!”  She turned and said to Him in Hebrew, “Rabboni!” (which means, Teacher)  NASB

In March of 2020, I moved from St. Louis to Louisville, KY.  This was a pretty big deal, but even more so at the beginning of a pandemic. 

I had left my support system which had been established for 11 1/2 years to start my life over – completely.  Daunting on it’s own.  Monumental and fraught with difficulty in a pandemic.  

Being the new kid, I was constantly introducing myself because no one knew my name. 

It didn’t take too long before I had some connection with neighbors met during walks in the neighborhood .  I was introduced to a few, very few, folks from church, but not for a couple months.  In each case, I said the same phrase – my name is…………

But there’s one person that didn’t need introduction.  Jesus.  He knew me before the move, through the move, and after the move.  He knows my name.  

I can prove that.  In John 10: 27 it says, “My sheep hear My voice, and I know them,”   Indeed, I have been listening to His voice for a long time.  Best yet – He knows  me.  He knows the real me.  He knows my name. 

And in Isaiah 43: 1 it says, “Do not fear, for I have redeemed you; I have called you by name; you are Mine!”    Wow – redeemed & called by name.  I’m known – I’m His.  

In the key verse, Jesus is speaking to Mary.  She doesn’t realize who He is till He says her name.  Can you even imagine what her heart experienced at that  moment?   Jesus, the one she saw die, was now calling her name.  Breathtaking. And – she was the first one He spoke to once resurrected.  The very first one – Mary – hearing her name.  

There’s something special about the connection of saying a name.  Just by the sound, it communicates so much.  

Tomorrow is Resurrection Day.  It’s an enormous celebration of Jesus’ resurrection.  It’s the reason we have hope.  And to think. . . this resurrected Jesus knows our name He knows my name!!   

That right there is cause for extraordinary celebration.  The Cross – The Resurrection – Jesus.  And He is saying your nameHe is saying my name.  

Hallelujah !  What a Savior

Peace & Blessings








Let me introduce you. . .

John 1: 1 – 18

There are introductions . . . and there are personal introductions.  The first simply tells you someone’s name.  The second tells you more about them – their character, their heart.  The first kind of intro is necessary.  The second facilitates a personal connection.  My heart needs the second.

Now – – certainly we know that Jesus came to die for our sins and provide salvation.  But I see more . . . .

The first 17 verses tell us a lot about Jesus.  He was there at creation, He was the True Light, John the baptist introduced Jesus and grace & truth came through Him. All that is great. It’s historical. It’s spiritual. But there’s more . . . .

Honestly, I’ve never paid verse 18 much attention.  I read it and as a churched kid, I thought it was pretty straight forward – – and it is. But there’s more . . . .

The ore is at the end of verse 18.  The NASB says “He (Jesus) has explained Him (God the Father).  That’s really good, but I love the way the Amplified bible reads – “the (One and) only begotten God (that is, the unique Son) who is in the intimate presence of the Father, He has explained Him (and interpreted and revealed the awesome wonder of the Father).

When Jesus was here on earth, He showed us what the Father was like.  He “interpreted and revealed the awesome wonder of the Father”.  That’s reasonable.  Father, Son, and Spirit are One.  Being so close, it makes perfect sense that Jesus was the logical One to reveal the Father’s character and heart.

There are some who say they don’t need Jesus to show them the Father.  After all, just read about all He did in the time of the Old Testament, right? They rely on intellectualizing and spiritualizing God.  In essence, they put Him in a special God box.  By compartmentalizing Him, they come to their own conclusions based on recorded events, astounding miracles and good vs evil.  But the deal is . . .God is so much more.

Maybe by separating God from emotions like love, compassion or forgiveness, they can be pragmatic about their faith.  Perhaps it makes it easier for them to relegate Him to only Sundays.

Personally, I want to know more about God.  I want to know His heart.  I want to walk with Him every single day.  What does He love?  What does He hate?  I want to be so in tune with His heart, I can sense His direction in my life – my calling, His will.  And by knowing and understanding more of who God is, I can better understand the miraculous events and meaning behind the true stories in scripture.

Now that I know Jesus was personally introducing me to Father God, I believe I will see more as I read His word.  It’s not merely spiritual, it’s personal.  It’s not just stories strung together, its a love letter from God.  Yes, I see good vs evil and guidance for my path.  But there’s so much more . . . .


God sees. . . . .God knows. . . . .

2 Corinthians 11: 21 – 33

Do you ever complain just a little about something you do for God?  Maybe it’s the enormous amount of time invested.  Or – maybe it’s a task or job that is completely thankless.  Maybe you feel invisible.  Maybe you wonder occasionally if what you are doing for God even makes a difference.  I think we’ve all been there at some point.

It’s at this point I direct you (and me) to the passage today in 2 Corinthians 11.  Paul went through so much for the gospel.  He endured uncomfortable, painful and demeaning stuff.  I don’t think I would make it through some of it.  And if I did, I would seriously be reevaluating this following Jesus thing.  Getting beat up for Jesus and the gospel – would I be able to withstand this?  Oh how I hope I would somehow, with God’s help, find the strength and faith muscle to endure.  I honestly don’t know, though.  None of us does because we aren’t facing this type of persecution.  I pray we never do. 

Around the world there are Christians being persecuted, murdered for the faith.  Will it come to the United States?  I don’t know.

The only thing I do know is this – well, actually two things.  1 – I have no room to complain and 2 – I need to be so firmly grounded in God’s word, so sure of my faith, so close to Jesus, that should severe persecution come to my country, I will be prepared to suffer for the cause of Christ.

So when ministry in any form costs us extra time, effort or humility, we can remember Paul, as well as the persecuted church, and not complain.  Our efforts are not in vain.  God sees.  God knows.  God cares. 

To God Be The Glory……………………………………

My Fragrance

2 Corinthians 2: 14 – 17

How do we smell?

We shower, use deodorant, and wear clean clothes so we don’t stink – at least, we SHOULD be doing this.  But when it comes to being the fragrance of Christ, how do we smell?

2 Corinthians 2 says that God leads us in triumph and manifests the sweet aroma of Christ. Manifests means it’s seen easily.  It’s unmistakable.  But is it?

Sometimes I begin my day out of sorts, or not in a good frame of mind.  My attitude could use an adjustment.  I need more Jesus!  The more Jesus I get, the better I smell.

This fact is one reason spending time in God’s word is a daily appointment I can’t live without.  Some days I certainly try to live without it.  And yes, I manage to slug through another day.  But how’s my fragrance that day?  Is it a fragrance or a stench?

Opportunities. . . .  The Spirit. . . . A Lifeline. . . .

Truth is, some days I smell better than others when I’m drumming it all up on my own.  But the days I put on more Jesus, my aroma is definitely better.  It must be.  On those days, opportunities appear with great frequency.  It’s easier on those days to hear the Spirit’s nudging.  People sometimes seem almost drawn to me.  Could it be the fragrance of Christ seen in a smile?  Is there an openness and acceptance that’s palpable?  I hope so.

This passage in 2 Corinthians causes those on the path to death to continue their path. They want nothing to do with the fragrance of Christ.  But to believers, it’s life.  To a fellow Christian, it’s hope, love, encouragement, joy!

The folks I’m thinking about right now, however, are those headed to death, but looking for life.  For them, we are a lifeline.  For them we can make the difference between giving up or continuing to seek.  We get to plant a seed, water a seed, help it grow.  And when it’s just the right time, we might get to harvest.  No matter where we fit in the process, let’s carry the fragrance of Christ on our way.


Have you spent time in God’s word yet today?  How do you smell?