When We Listen & Obey

                                                  Acts 8   

In Acts 8, I’m struck by the account of Philip and the Ethiopian eunich.  what strikes me is that Philip listened to the angel of the Lord and then obeyed – he went where the angel told him to go.

It seems pretty straightforward as far as Bible reading goes. But do I/do we simply read it through and neglect to see it play out in our own life?

When we accept God’s gift of salvation, we receive the Holy Spirit. So for us in this current day, we don’t encounter angels, at least not usually; although angels are among us, but are often not recognized till later, if at all.

So for us, it is a prompting from the Holy Spirit within us to go to someone, write a letter or card, send an email or text. Maybe we are prompted to do something specific like take them some food, ask them to join us for lunch, or simply go sit with them in a church service or other venue. Perhaps it’s to go stand by them when you notice they are standing with a group, but no one is engaging with them. It could be when a new neighbor moves in or when there’s a loss in the family and you are prompted to make banana bread to share with them.

I believe it’s all these things.  I’ve seen it play out over and over in my life.

While I always did these things sporadically over the years, I see now that sometimes I listened but never followed through. I conveniently forgot or was too busy or much worse – chose not to respond. Yikes!

I’m sure I’m not the only one  with the sin of omission in their lives. Sin of omission is knowing what to do and then not doing it.

Often I find the Holy Spirit prompts me simply by bringing someone to mind.  Most often when this happens, it is a prompt to pray for them.  Praise God I do believe I do much better at this than I used to.  It’s certainly not any goodness in me. It is God’s growing me to be more like Him. It’s showing me time & time again the blessing of praying for the person.

With so much negativity in the world, I pray we will pay attention, listen to the Holy Spirit’s promptings and then obey. Even though people talk about “random acts of kindness”, I’m not sure I believe they are random for Christians. Because of Christ in us, the hope of glory, I believe He helps us make godly choices/kingdom choices.  It doesn’t matter if it’s seemingly spontaneous or carefully thought out.  All of our obedience in being kind to others matters.

May we all pray that God opens our eyes and our ears. And may we not only listen, but obey. May our kind deeds bear witness to the faith we profess and hold so dear.

Peace & Blessings friends………………………


My God Just Gets Bigger & Bigger

Isaiah 55:8-9   Psalm 147:5   Psalm 8:3-4

All morning I have been meditating on how big God is.  I’ve mentally listed and thought on all the ways He blesses me, provides, speaks etc.  My hours have been spent focusing on His attributes and character. And I’ve discovered something profound – at least to me.  As time goes on, God is getting bigger and bigger for me.

It’s not that God has been or is small in any way.  But as we grow in our spiritual walk with Him, as we expand in our trust and love of Him, we find Him bigger.  We love more.  We trust more.  We believe for more.  We ask for more.  God keeps expanding just as our spiritual muscle expands and strengthens.  God doesn’t change – we do.  He is the same yesterday, today and forever. We continue to change – becoming more like Jesus and conforming to the image of Christ.  Hallelujah!

So on a day to day basis, how big is God to you?  Can He orchestrate an unexpected stop in your schedule?  Can He align things perfectly for people to meet and speak into each other’s lives?  Yes – – Yes He can.  He is, after all, the Author of the Play.  This is a continuing theme in my life.

Today is a case in point.  On my way home from physical therapy, I decided it would be really nice to stop at a Christian donut place for a not-on-my-diet donut and coffee.  While there, I noticed and overheard the conversation between twin sisters also taking a break.  My spirit sensed that their spirits were also connected to God.  As they walked passed my table, I stopped them and spoke what my spirit said was true.  We are sisters in Christ !  Their faces lit up with the glow of the Holy Spirit.  God confirmed over and over our “chance” meeting.  One sister suddenly voiced a bona fide need, saying she was trusting God to supply.  I got up out of my seat, put my arm around one on the left, one on the right and prayed over them.  Then they heard my story, but most important,  what God is doing in my life.  They both started prophesying over me – not general but specific.  It was supernatural and I felt a quickening in my spirit because this was the real deal.  This rarely happens.  Oh, there are people that try to speak into my life, but it’s their opinion, their best guess, their wishes or desires for me.  Bless them – – I listen but then let it go.  God gets the final say.

My God is big enough to arrange every moment of my life.  My God has a plan for me and His word says it’s a good plan.  I see in His word that He is a God of redemption, restoration, love, peace, blessing and much grace.  He is a God of order, not chaos.  So while some may say my God meeting today was coincidence, I know it was planned by God long ago.  He gave me the seemingly random thought to stop at this particular place for a yummy treat.  With all the available places to sit, God directed me to a table near my sisters in Christ.  God knew His child needed encouragement and someone to pray over her.  God knew I, too, needed encouragement – – to continue in His waiting room, to believe He has a great plan for me and to speak a specific prophecy about my future.

Every day – every step – every prayer – every moment – my God just gets bigger and bigger.

My Fragrance

2 Corinthians 2: 14 – 17

How do we smell?

We shower, use deodorant, and wear clean clothes so we don’t stink – at least, we SHOULD be doing this.  But when it comes to being the fragrance of Christ, how do we smell?

2 Corinthians 2 says that God leads us in triumph and manifests the sweet aroma of Christ. Manifests means it’s seen easily.  It’s unmistakable.  But is it?

Sometimes I begin my day out of sorts, or not in a good frame of mind.  My attitude could use an adjustment.  I need more Jesus!  The more Jesus I get, the better I smell.

This fact is one reason spending time in God’s word is a daily appointment I can’t live without.  Some days I certainly try to live without it.  And yes, I manage to slug through another day.  But how’s my fragrance that day?  Is it a fragrance or a stench?

Opportunities. . . .  The Spirit. . . . A Lifeline. . . .

Truth is, some days I smell better than others when I’m drumming it all up on my own.  But the days I put on more Jesus, my aroma is definitely better.  It must be.  On those days, opportunities appear with great frequency.  It’s easier on those days to hear the Spirit’s nudging.  People sometimes seem almost drawn to me.  Could it be the fragrance of Christ seen in a smile?  Is there an openness and acceptance that’s palpable?  I hope so.

This passage in 2 Corinthians causes those on the path to death to continue their path. They want nothing to do with the fragrance of Christ.  But to believers, it’s life.  To a fellow Christian, it’s hope, love, encouragement, joy!

The folks I’m thinking about right now, however, are those headed to death, but looking for life.  For them, we are a lifeline.  For them we can make the difference between giving up or continuing to seek.  We get to plant a seed, water a seed, help it grow.  And when it’s just the right time, we might get to harvest.  No matter where we fit in the process, let’s carry the fragrance of Christ on our way.


Have you spent time in God’s word yet today?  How do you smell?