My Fragrance

2 Corinthians 2: 14 – 17

How do we smell?

We shower, use deodorant, and wear clean clothes so we don’t stink – at least, we SHOULD be doing this.  But when it comes to being the fragrance of Christ, how do we smell?

2 Corinthians 2 says that God leads us in triumph and manifests the sweet aroma of Christ. Manifests means it’s seen easily.  It’s unmistakable.  But is it?

Sometimes I begin my day out of sorts, or not in a good frame of mind.  My attitude could use an adjustment.  I need more Jesus!  The more Jesus I get, the better I smell.

This fact is one reason spending time in God’s word is a daily appointment I can’t live without.  Some days I certainly try to live without it.  And yes, I manage to slug through another day.  But how’s my fragrance that day?  Is it a fragrance or a stench?

Opportunities. . . .  The Spirit. . . . A Lifeline. . . .

Truth is, some days I smell better than others when I’m drumming it all up on my own.  But the days I put on more Jesus, my aroma is definitely better.  It must be.  On those days, opportunities appear with great frequency.  It’s easier on those days to hear the Spirit’s nudging.  People sometimes seem almost drawn to me.  Could it be the fragrance of Christ seen in a smile?  Is there an openness and acceptance that’s palpable?  I hope so.

This passage in 2 Corinthians causes those on the path to death to continue their path. They want nothing to do with the fragrance of Christ.  But to believers, it’s life.  To a fellow Christian, it’s hope, love, encouragement, joy!

The folks I’m thinking about right now, however, are those headed to death, but looking for life.  For them, we are a lifeline.  For them we can make the difference between giving up or continuing to seek.  We get to plant a seed, water a seed, help it grow.  And when it’s just the right time, we might get to harvest.  No matter where we fit in the process, let’s carry the fragrance of Christ on our way.


Have you spent time in God’s word yet today?  How do you smell?