Not Worthy, But Welcomed & Wanted

                                              Acts 10


     Acts 10 is an enormous blessing to me and to all who are not Jewish. It’s in Acts 10 where Gentiles are grafted into the family of God.

The cross is our beginning and the testimony in Acts 10 is our blessing. It is the fulfillment of John 3:16. For God so loved the world…….not just part of the world – the whole world – Jews and Gentiles. Hallelujah!!

God loved me so much that He did all this for me. I can’t wrap my head or my heart around it. I’m not worthy. And that is exactly the point.

None of us is worthy, but we are all welcome & wanted.

One of the main characters in Acts 10 is Cornelius, a centurion of a battalion. He was a commanding officer.

I am very familiar with command. My husband was a squadron commander of a C-17 squadron during 9/11. The weight of responsibility is quite significant. The actions and beliefs of a commander affect the troops under him or her. And so it was with Cornelius.

Cornelius feared God and his household also. He gave alms to the Jewish people, meaning he supported them perhaps mostly in a financial way. And Acts states Cornelius prayed to God continually. His lifestyle and beliefs would  have spilled over into all areas of his life. It’s merely speculation on my part, but from my military experience, I surmise he was an honest, fair, righteous and trustworthy commander. He would have been a commander that his troops respected and followed without question.

 I love that God noticed him, call out to him and commended him in verse 4. It must have thrilled Cornelius’ heart to have that from God, even though he was a Gentile. Extraordinary !!

Though unworthy, God chose Cornelius & Peter to usher Gentiles into God’s family. All who were there received forgiveness, the Holy Spirit and then were baptized.

Not worthy, but welcomed and wanted. God is just that amazing. God loves extravagantly. God is not prejudiced and He welcomes all.

The Jews are God’s chosen people.  Thank you God for choosing me too, and grafting me into your family. You welcome me and you want me even though I’m unworthy. Praise you……….both now & forevermore.

Peace & Blessings friends………………..

When We Listen & Obey

                                                  Acts 8   

In Acts 8, I’m struck by the account of Philip and the Ethiopian eunich.  what strikes me is that Philip listened to the angel of the Lord and then obeyed – he went where the angel told him to go.

It seems pretty straightforward as far as Bible reading goes. But do I/do we simply read it through and neglect to see it play out in our own life?

When we accept God’s gift of salvation, we receive the Holy Spirit. So for us in this current day, we don’t encounter angels, at least not usually; although angels are among us, but are often not recognized till later, if at all.

So for us, it is a prompting from the Holy Spirit within us to go to someone, write a letter or card, send an email or text. Maybe we are prompted to do something specific like take them some food, ask them to join us for lunch, or simply go sit with them in a church service or other venue. Perhaps it’s to go stand by them when you notice they are standing with a group, but no one is engaging with them. It could be when a new neighbor moves in or when there’s a loss in the family and you are prompted to make banana bread to share with them.

I believe it’s all these things.  I’ve seen it play out over and over in my life.

While I always did these things sporadically over the years, I see now that sometimes I listened but never followed through. I conveniently forgot or was too busy or much worse – chose not to respond. Yikes!

I’m sure I’m not the only one  with the sin of omission in their lives. Sin of omission is knowing what to do and then not doing it.

Often I find the Holy Spirit prompts me simply by bringing someone to mind.  Most often when this happens, it is a prompt to pray for them.  Praise God I do believe I do much better at this than I used to.  It’s certainly not any goodness in me. It is God’s growing me to be more like Him. It’s showing me time & time again the blessing of praying for the person.

With so much negativity in the world, I pray we will pay attention, listen to the Holy Spirit’s promptings and then obey. Even though people talk about “random acts of kindness”, I’m not sure I believe they are random for Christians. Because of Christ in us, the hope of glory, I believe He helps us make godly choices/kingdom choices.  It doesn’t matter if it’s seemingly spontaneous or carefully thought out.  All of our obedience in being kind to others matters.

May we all pray that God opens our eyes and our ears. And may we not only listen, but obey. May our kind deeds bear witness to the faith we profess and hold so dear.

Peace & Blessings friends………………………


Who I Am Is More Important Than What I Do

Acts 17:28  For in Him we live and move and exist (are)….


For a long time now, I have said or written – Who I am is more important than what I do.  I still believe that with all my heart.  But after spending time in God’s word and re-reading the book Your Sacred Yes by Susie Larson, I need to add more to that statement.

Before my husband, Tracy, died, I was solid in who I was and what I was supposed to be doing.  Once Tracy was gone, however, and after about a year of intense grief, I began fretting over what others perceptions of me might be.  Just typing that makes me shake my head.  But seriously, it’s something many people do all through life – disastrous life event or not. 

Expectations – Comparisons – Control – Approval

Call it whatever works for you.  The enemy slips in, most often imperceptibly, with the lie that you are not enough, or you need to do this or that, or what will people think?  Sometimes the thought or idea comes in like a cloud and other times it sort of blasts us in the face. 

For me, I think that the enemy took something my husband said shortly after his cancer diagnosis, and twisted it.  Everything around the diagnosis felt like a blast.  But the father of lies kept his finger on it till some time after Tracy died.  And then he began sliding it into my thoughts from time to time.  The enemy doesn’t care what we are going through.  He pushes the knife in and slowly turns it, making us uncomfortable and looking in the wrong places.

I felt like people in general expected me to go find a job, or do something philanthropic that was visible.  And because I was focusing on other things, I allowed myself to worry what others thought.  When I found someone in a similar situation, I bought into the comparison game.  I wanted to be in control, but so much of my life was out of my control – well, let’s face it – most of it was out of my control. And approval………well, I certainly received encouragement along my journey, but I decided that, of course they would cheer me on!  They were dear friends.  Of course they would offer extra love and pats on the back.  Isn’t that what would be expected?  Ah – there’s those expectations again.

So today, after many years, I’m confronting myself with this sin.  2 Corinthians 10: 12 says – For we are not bold to class or compare ourselves with some of those who commend themselves; but when they measure themselves by themselves, and compare themselves with themselves, they are without understanding.   The idea is – comparison is fruitless and a total waste of time.  In my head I know this.  I know this verse.  But – I didn’t fully accept that it applied to me. 

Well – with God’s help, that stops today. 

The deal is, I must remember who I am in Christ.  Yes – who I am is more important than what I do.  And who I am is a child of God.  Who I am is blessed, chosen, adopted, loved, redeemed and forgiven (Ephesians 1: 3-7)  Who I am is God’s warrior princess dressed in His armor.  Who I am is precious and valued in God’s eyes.  He will never leave me or forsake me.  His plans for me are good and I can trust Him.  And as the focal scripture says, For in Him we live and move and exist (are).

So – who I am is more important than what I do. And who I am is a child of God.  Who I am is an anointed and empowered by His love child of God.  I’m not perfect but I’m in progress.  I’m unfinished. Philippians 1:6 promises God will complete me. 

Have I totally got my stuff together?  Nope.  But I have clarity on what God is calling me to do right now.  So from here on out, I will strive to ignore what others may think.  My status before God is the most important. After all, at the end of the day – at the end of my life – that is what matters. 

I sincerely hope you have already figured all this out.  But if you are struggling with comparison, expectations or what others think, immerse yourself in God’s word and realize in a clear and fresh way who you are in Christ.  Let’s beat the enemy at his sick game. Jesus never condemns, but the enemy always does. 

So friend. . . . walk in the fear of the Lord, not the fear of people. 

Peace & Blessings





A Crutch or an Anchor?

At the end of 2020 – we all shared a collective sigh……………it’s been so much……too much. 

On the other hand, it’s brought out some very good things in people.  And – I am convinced we will never take certain things for granted…………………ever again.

  • Eating together at a restaurant.
  • Worshiping at church or going to a bible study.
  • Going shopping – not the targeted stuff we do now, but sauntering through a store just to look.
  • Singing in a choir.
  • Hugging…………………………oh my word – yes, the hugs we have missed.
  • Holding hands, touching a face, being close………….the communication of……..TOUCH!

The struggles we have been through cause me to think about what we are holding onto.

Over the years, I’ve heard people talk about faith and liken it to a crutch.  After losing my husband 6 ½ years ago, I am here to tell you and anyone who will listen – – – – – it’s NOT a crutch – IT’S AN ANCHOR !!!

God’s people have had their faith tested sorely this year. And while we are all tired and sad and struggling in one way or another, we are still standing…………….if our faith is truly an anchor

We’ve generally had a pretty easy time of things over the years – with a few major bumps in the road.  This year – the whole road is bumpy. It pushed us, tested us.  Do we really believe what we say we believe??? 

Scripture holds promises – precious promises.  And – we learn so much about God’s character in scripture.  But how well do Christians know scripture?  I don’t mean that we need to sound like we’ve been to seminary.  But what do you know for certain from God’s word, whether you can quote the address of it or not?  Have you had scripture you memorized because it was intensely personal to you? 

It’s all of this that we can hold onto right now…………….and it matters.  And. . . .it will matter, truly matter as we move forward in the days ahead.   

I heard Dr. Charles Stanley say that we need to “obey God and trust Him with the consequences.”  That’s so good.  Do we trust Him?  Do we firmly believe in His character?  He is always faithful.  He will never leave us or forsake us.  He’s the only one that will do that & oh by the way – never change.  Everything around us changes……………..He doesn’t. 

This brings me back to the crutch vs Anchor subject.

A crutch props one up to assist giving extra support.  An anchor is a reliable support, holds an object firmly.  One is temporary and may or may not be reliable.  The other is reliable and can hold firmly.  I don’t know about you, but I want the second one.  No matter what happens, I want something that’s sure, that’s reliable, that will hold me firmly while the storm rages around me. 

Jesus is my Anchor!  The hope, a know so hope, we have in Christ is sure, certain, reliable.  Hebrews 6:19 says – This hope is a strong & trustworthy anchor for our souls.  Hebrews 13:5 says – For God has said, I will never fail you.  I will never abandon you.  (NLT)

That’s what I want.  That’s what I hold to.  That’s my Anchor.

As one who has gone through the top 2 experiences on the Trauma Scale – Death & Move – let me share a couple scriptures that have encouraged me and helped me maintain my focus.

Isaiah 41:13 – For I, the Lord your God, hold your right hand; it is I who says to you, ‘Fear not, I am the One who helps you.’ (ESV)  Deuteronomy 31:8 – The Lord himself goes before you and will be with you; he will never leave you nor forsake you.  Do not be afraid; do not be discouraged. (NIV)

Horrible 2020 is done.  Welcome 2021 !  While it feels like a fresh start, we know everything isn’t going to be normal for quite awhile.  But God……………………oh yes, God’s got this.  He has not relinquished authority or command. 

So dear one, do you have a crutch or an Anchor?   Take time to examine your heart.  Where are you putting your hope? 

Now is the perfect time to seek God’s face and reaffirm that He is your Anchor – for  now & for always. 

I Want To Be That Tree !

And he will be like a tree firmly planted by streams of water, which yields its fruit in its season, and its leaf does not wither; and in whatever he does, he prospers.  Psalm 1:3 NASB


Every time I turn around, something has changed.  Something is different.

So much has changed in our world!  Then I added moving to another state at the beginning of a pandemic. Friend, I don’t recommend it. It’s been a few months since my move and I’m still reeling from massive changes. 

Every one of us has been shaken to the core by the uncertainty and strangeness of everything.  It would be so much better if this was connected to just one thing at a time. But life just doesn’t work that way – ever.  No – it’s Every. Single. Thing.

But then God draws me to His Word. It’s there I find help and strength and security.

Aren’t the Psalms just the best when dealing with any sort of emotion?  It’s seriously my go-to every time life knocks me down or change is overwhelming.

In Psalm 1:3, the psalmist talks about a tree firmly planted by streams of water.  I want to be that tree!  A tree firmly planted has been around for years.  It’s weathered many storms and withstood parching heat as well as ice and snow.  No matter what has happened around this tree, it still stands.

Oh I want that to be me!  I want to have my roots so firmly planted in God’s Word  that I stand no matter what.  Whether it’s a death, a move, a devastating relationship issue, a pandemic or whatever, I want to be unshakable, firmly planted.

In the next verse of this psalm, I see where my roots should be planted.  Verse 2 says, “But his delight is in the law of the Lord, and in His law he meditates day and night.”  God’s Word………the deep, rich soil where my tree roots can penetrate, soaking up nutrients and fed by the streams of living water nearby.

Here’s where I have to ask myself some questions.  How much time am I spending in God’s Word these days?  Am I spending the majority of my time feasting on my phone? Netflix?   Are my roots planted more in temporal things or eternal things?

This causes me to remember Isaiah 40:8.  “The grass withers, the flower fades, but the Word of our God stands forever.”   And that brings me back to the firmly planted tree. 

So today I’m pausing to rethink my priorities, shift my focus, redirect my roots. God’s Word is right there on the little table by my chair.  When I sit there each morning planted in God’s Word, I can be that tree. Life will still hit me, but I’m going to be ok, not because of me, but because of God and His Word.  I can rely on it – today and forever.

The Awesome Imposssibleness of God

Isaiah 43: 1-3

It’s mid-January in St. Louis.  The dead of winter.  Snow on the ground, 10-12 inches worth.

As I sit in my chair reading Isaiah 43 in the stillness of the morning, I can sense the Spirit speaking to my heart.  

You & I read our bibles looking for something to feed our heart, mind and especially our soul.  Some days it’s stronger than others.  Today is strong, focused, encouraging, bringing hope.

Do not fear is found many times in scripture.  I love that because I need to hear that lots.  You too?

Sp much has happened over the nearly 6 years since my husband’s cancer diagnosis.  I’ve clung to the words – do not fear – in countless situations.  And I still do.  

The description of intense turbulence speaks volumes.  Have you ever felt like you were passing through waters?  Crossing mighty rivers?  Walking through fire?  Can you feel the fear of drowning?  Of fighting the current & depth of a river?  Of enduring intense heat so afraid of being burnt to a crisp?

We all walk through circumstances or situations that make us feel this way.  It’s frightening.  We cry.  We tremble.  We stumble.  We sometimes fall. 

But God never leaves us.  The most comforting part to me in this scripture is the phrase – I will be with you.  Friend, neither of us is alone.  God walks us through the most intense turbulence – waters, rivers and fire, that seem impossible.

But God. . .another common phrase in scripture.  I use it here to show you the awesome impossibleness (new word) of God.

Impossible is where God starts.  I heard that from Christine Caine, a well known Christian speaker and founder of A21 and Propel.  Can you hear God speaking against the intense turbulence in your life?  In this passage He says – don’t fear the waters because I will be with you; don’t fear the rivers because they won’t overflow you; don’t fear the fire because you won’t even be scorched.  And why is this?  “For I am the Lord our God.”

I hope this makes your heart feel better.  It does mine.  God is going to be with me.  None of my turbulent circumstances or situations will do me in because I have the God of the universe, of all time and space, walking with me & in charge of every single moment of my life. Life sometimes feels impossible.       But God. . . . . . .

He has redeemed me! He has called me by name! He knows who I am! And He’s got this thing called life. . .and I trust Him.

Here in the dead of winter, at the beginning of a new year, I have hope and confidence for the future.  I know I’ll come to Isaiah 43 several times this year as the turbulence rises.  I need to remember God hasn’t forgotten me.  I need to remember I am His.  I need to remember the turbulence is no surprise to Him.  I need to remember there’s no reason to fear because He is the Lord, my God.

Maybe you need to remember too.  When you do, when your situation or circumstances become overwhelming, run to Isaiah 43.  Remember the awesome impossibleness of God. 

A Brand New Thing

Isaiah 43: 16 – 19  The Message

The end of one year and beginning of another makes us think about  new things.  Many people consider making New Years resolutions.  

Most forget, ignore or fizzle out on these, but it still feels good to think about this fresh start each year.  Our problem is that  we are human -flawed and more often than not, inconsistent.  But there is One who is  totally and ever faithful.  He doesn’t change.  He won’t give up on us part way through.  He is not flawed – He is perfect.  

This is why, I believe, God brought this passage in Isaiah to my mind  this morning.  I particularly love verses 18 & 19.   “Forget about what’s happened; don’t keep going over old history.   Be alert, be present. I’m about to do something brand new.  It’s  bursting out! Don’t you see it? There it is!  I’m making a road  through the desert, rivers in the badlands.”  

How often we drag what’s happened in the past with us into the  present…………and on into the future?  I can’t help but think of the popular song from the movie,  Frozen………..Let it Go.  But we don’t  let it go………… we?  Not completely.  

The next part give us clues how to let go……………”Be alert, be present.” 

How alert are we really?  Honestly most of us should start a new  support group – Multitaskers Anonymous.  We are so busy and running so hard, it’s impossible to truly be alert to what God is doing.  We miss  so much.  And being present??  Our phones are wonderful things, but they distract us and take us away from meaningful listening, sharing,  fellowship………..loving one another.  

What’s this “something brand new” that God is about to do?  We don’t know.   But because He has said it, we must choose to believe it.  It’s faith………..pure faith.  Hebrews 11: 1 says it best, “Now faith is  the confidence in what we hope for & assurance about what we do not see.”NIV  If we could  figure it all out, we wouldn’t need faith.  Putting faith in something we can see,  something we know…………isn’t faith.  Trusting God for this “something brand new“………… believing though  we cannot see…………….relying on God’s character & who  He is………………….remembering  who we are in Christ and all He has done  before……….choosing to take  that step or that  leap forward…………..that’s faith.  

Walking our place on the planet makes us tired.  Life can be unfair,  upsetting, tragic.  We can easily have tired hope.  But faith………………Faith reminds us that God is at work in the silence.  God really is about  to do something brand new.  

Let’s hold on to this faith…………….this hope.  Let’s encourage one  another to push through the tired hope and watch our faith become sight.   Remember God’s word says,”Trust God from the bottom of your heart;  don’t try to figure out everything on your own.  Listen for God’s voice in everything you do, everywhere you go; He’s the one who will keep you  on track.”  The Message

But The Lord Stood With Me……….

2 Timothy 4:17   But the Lord stood with me and gave me strength. . .

Last week I was standing alone at the hostess desk in Applebee’s. There were happy groups everywhere, but I wasn’t joining any of them. It’s a continuing theme for so many. It’s particularly striking during the holidays. Lunch isn’t a big deal, but dinner certainly is tougher.

I know you may be thinking, “your faith can carry you through” or ” you are never alone because God is with you”. True. But those who walk this life alone can’t be strong all the time. At some point we fold, we let down. And that makes us vulnerable to loneliness or at the very least sadness.

Remember the famous “Footprints in the the Sand” poem by Mary Stevenson? It talks about what happened when there was only one set of footprints. That picture goes perfectly with today’s verse. None of us can be strong all the time. But we can rely on God being there to carry and strengthen us.

Sometimes we don’t even have the strength to walk beside God. It’s those times He carries us. Other times we need the strength God brings as He walks with us. We rely on His strength. His wisdom, His love and comfort.

Strength. . . being strong a capacity for exertion or endurance. . .power of resisting attack. That’s how Webster defines strength.

You need God’s strength.

I need God’s strength.

I love the 2 Timothy verse so much. A dear friend bought me a necklace that says – But the Lord stood with me and gave me strength.

Each of us faces situations alone. But God stands with us. With Him I can face whatever may come because He gives me strength.

Maybe you never thought of it that way before.

Maybe you never noticed that verse before.

When you feel alone – when you don’t feel strong enough. . . remember this verse.

The Lord stands with you & gives you strength.

Talk To The Hand

Isaiah 1: 1-15

Have you ever tried to have a conversation with someone where you desperately tried to defend your ideas or actions, but were met with a hand block and turn away?  Maybe you were not in defense position.  Perhaps you were trying to apologize from the heart but the other person would not listen.  In other words – talk to the hand.

This is what I thought of when I read Isaiah’s first chapter.  The difference here is that God was perfectly right in not accepting the people’s sacrifices or worship.  They had turned away from Him.  They came to church to worship, but their hearts were turned from God and towards their sin.  They were going through the motions with no heart and no repentance.  They were filling squares with sacrifices but being disobedient in their hearts and lives.

It’s easy to say, “shame on them” or “how could they do that?”  But isn’t this happening today?  People come to church and go through the motions of worshiping God. They know the songs, the order of worship and when to stand or sit.  They’ve got the formula down.  But when they aren’t in church they are up to their eyeballs in sin. 

However, before throwing stones, let’s ask ourselves a question. . . or a few.  Are we guilty of this sometimes too?  Even if we aren’t entrenched in a constant sin, do we come to church with the right attitude?  Do we come to church to worship God and seek His face?  Or, do we mindlessly get in the car, go in the building, sing the songs, listen to a sermon and go home – completely the same – no change?

I know there have been times I just went to church because it’s what I do.  I’ve been numb before.  I’ve “lost that lovin’ feelin’ ” when it comes to God.  Of course I love Him, but He would never know it by looking at my heart.

Sometimes I’ve been distracted by so many things.  My mind and heart are so cluttered, it’s hard to fit Jesus in too.  He’s supposed to be first.  He’s supposed to be firmly planted in the center with everything else floating around Him.

In this way, I remember the story of Mary and Martha.  Martha had legitimate tasks to do, but she was so scattered and distracted that she was missing the most important thing – Jesus sitting in her living room!  Her sister Mary, however, was focused on Jesus, sitting at His feet.

Honestly, I am much more like Martha.  Distractions really get to me.  Full disclosure – I let them get to me.  So I cry out to God alot because the enemy knows it’s a weakness.  Don’t you just hate that about him?  He doesn’t play fair. 

So this all comes down to us being real with God.  Let’s get real about our sin.  Let’s ask God to show us sin that has become a comfortable rut – sin we have rationalized away.

If we are in Christ, we should want His embrace and feel His presence when we worship.  It should break our heart to visualize Him turning away from our worship. So let’s honestly confess from our heart.

As clearly as I can, I want to be totally clean between God and me.  Am I perfect?  Are you perfect?  No – we will always be sinners saved by grace and dressed in HIS righteousness.  But being honest about our sin and confessing it as well as turning away from it is the sweet spot.  It’s where I want to be.  I know you desire that too. 

The only way to end this is with a prayer……………….

Lord – We know you desire obedience before sacrifice.  You know the enemy hits us in so many ways and often we choose the sin.  Help us to come before You honestly confessing and making things right between us.  We don’t want to be hypocrites when we come together to worship You.  You promise to forgive when we confess.  How precious that is!  Holy Spirit, touch our hearts with conviction.  We love You and want sweet communion with You.  May our worship be a fragrant aroma.  We love you Lord. . .so much!  Amen

The Drawer

2 Corinthians 12:9  My grace is sufficient for you, for my power is made perfect in weakness.

There is one dresser drawer I’ve been avoiding.  I’ve avoided it for 4 years.  Along the way I have added to it.  I’ve even opened it and looked at a couple things, but I always close it again.  I walk away and try to forget about it.  But I walk by this drawer – every day.  And I knew it was time to face the contents.

It’s been 4 years since my husband died after a brave battle with cancer.  It’s his drawer.  It contains personal things – things I’m not sure what to do with or where they should go.

Even through I’ve cleaned out so much of my husband’s things and accomplished a lot over the years, I feel weak when it comes to the drawer.  It’s as if the drawer is the last piece of my husband.  If I go through it and place items in a special box, there’s a finality to it.  It’s like I’m deleting a person.  How could his life come down to one drawer?

But I knew today was the day.  So I grabbed another cup of coffee while I gathered courage to face the drawer.  

The thing is, once I opened the drawer and began emptying it, it wasn’t as hard as I imagined. Items seemed to fall into one category or another.  And the really tough things when grouped together and placed in a small box of remembrance made me smile.  It was God’s grace and timing.

This task seemed monumental.  My heart simply couldn’t face it.  God knew that. He could see that particular day on the time line of my life and knew it would be the day my heart and God’s grace would intersect. 

On that day of victory, I saw very clearly how God’s timing is perfect.  I saw how in my weakness, His power was perfect.

In my life I tend to push myself to do more.  I struggle to measure up and be the perfect widow.  Honestly, there is no such thing.  But I try anyway.

The drawer situation taught me not only about God’s grace and His perfect timing.  It taught me that I strive too much for no reason.  I look horizontally when I should look vertically.

Looking back on the whole drawer project, I’m glad it happened, tears and all.  I’m choosing to make it a stone of remembrance.  That stone reminds me God loves me, He’s kind, He’s faithful and His grace is more than sufficient when I need Him most.

5 Smooth Stones

I Samuel 17:38-40

From the outside, my life probably looks fairly simple and in order. Perhaps some would say I lead a charmed life.  And yes, I have been and am truly blessed. But it’s not like their perception at all. As the song by Twila Paris says – “Deep inside this armor, the warrior is a child.”

Life is full of decisions – big, small and oh yes, overwhelming. Add in a complicated calendar and relationship challenges.  And just to top it off, throw in a new direction/path/purpose from God. Mix all together. Sprinkle in some doubt and fear.  Presto! This warrior princess becomes a child running to the Father. 

The verses today have helped me see that God uses what I have to accomplish His plan and purpose.  There’s no need to desire big, over-the-top solutions.  What I need is Him and all He has provided.

David took off the armor of King Saul, which of course, was the best at that time. He used what he had and what worked well in the past.  A staff – a sling – 5 smooth stones.  That’s it!  God took that along with David’s well honed skills acquired over the years plus his unwavering faith in the name of the Lord and provided a stunning victory.

What do I have?  Years of serving others – a deep desire to make a difference in people’s lives – resources to bless others – a strong & abiding faith – a willing heart ready to obey (which includes a little fear…..hey, that’s just how it is).  My 5 smooth stones.

What do you have?  Think about the seemingly little pieces of your life.  What has God placed on your heart?  What experience or skill or resource do you bring to God?  What are your 5 smooth stones?

It would be great if at this point I could give you a splashy end to my story.  But I can’t.  For now, I’m offering God what I have and trusting Him as I walk toward my giant.  Only He knows the end of this story.  My promise to you is that I will take you with me.  Stay tuned and eventually I will tell you what God did with my 5 smooth stones

A Different Looking Kind of Warrior

Judges 6:12  When the angel of the Lord appeared to Gideon, he said, “The Lord is with you, mighty warrior.”   

Galatians 1:10    Am I now trying to win the approval of human beings, or of God?  Or am I trying to please people?  If I were still trying to please people, I would not be a servant of Christ.


I feel like I’ve been just getting through stuff.  Sometimes I feel warrior-like and other times I want to hide away like Gideon.  You too?  But that’s how it goes right?  Sometimes we’re brave and sometimes we want to sit it out. 

In Gideon’s story, the angel makes a startling announcement.  “The Lord is with you, mighty warrior.”  God was letting Gideon see what He saw in him.  Gideon wasn’t buying it and truthfully, I don’t either on most days. 

It’s not easy feeling fully confident in our calling.  Whether you are a people pleaser or not, at some point we are afraid of other’s opinions.  And what makes this fear worse is social media and lots of folks who don’t filter what they say or post.  And so we live a little scared.  We may not admit to it, but we are.

Recently the verse in Galatians has given me courage and hope.  People’s opinions mean nothing stacked up against God’s.  I know that solidly in my head, but my heart doesn’t believe it as much.  Maybe it’s a matter of trust?  Do we trust other’s thoughts and opinions more than God?  If we are honest, sometimes we do.

So maybe like me, you need to repent.  Because I love God SO much and want desperately to please Him, it crumbles my heart to know I’ve chosen to believe others opinions over God’s firm affirmations and direction.  I’m a wreck.

But as I look closely at scripture and see the people God used, I see how they were wrecks too.  God used ordinary people who were so incredibly far from perfect to do great things.

For me, it ends up being a choice – every day and often every hour.  Do I believe God when He tells me I’m a warrior princess?  Am I going to listen and bend to others opinions or am I going to rest solidly in God’s opinion and sovereignty?  We forget, I think, that He created everything – not just planet earth, but the whole universe.  If He did all that and still holds it all together, can’t He take care of us?  If He’s really all that, and He is, can’t He know what is best for us and give us what we need at just the right time?  Yes – to all that.

This is easy for me to write and for you to read, but it’s not easy to implement.  My heartfelt advice, and the only thing that works for me, is to talk to God honestly.  Lay it all at His feet and cry out to Him for courage, wisdom and strength.  In faith tell Him you trust Him, you need Him, you will obey and follow Him.  It’s helpful to speak it, not just pray silently.  Declarations made out loud are powerful.  I pray with all my heart that you will do this and find that peace that transcends all understanding.

As I close, let me offer a prayer for you, yes, but for me too.  We are walking this together.  

Lord – We come to You with all our weaknesses.  We have a hard time believing we are warriors.  And we can be distracted and swayed by the opinions of others.  Remind us of who You are, of Your promises and declarations over us.  Take us to Your word where You give us examples of how You use ordinary people for the kingdom.  Help us be courageous when we would rather hide.  Help us hold up the Shield of Faith to quench the fiery darts of the enemy – those we can see and those we can’t see.  May we stand firm in who You say we are, not bending to the opinions of others.  Thank you for Your word that sustains us – Your grace and wisdom as we move forward – and Your love that is way more than amazing.  Amen

Crushed By Love

Isaiah 49:16           Psalm 139

Honestly – I’ve been crushed lots lately.  Crushed by a broken heart, overwhelming responsibilities, future uncertainties, intense loneliness, fear of failure – just to name a few.  But as I sit with God, I am crushed by His crazy awesome love for me.  And I am totally crushing on Him because despite the mess that is SO me, He loves me.  He loves me even though I say the wrong things, am afraid, am broken and feel so unworthy.

I’ll never understand His love for me – to die for me is huge enough on it’s own.  But since becoming His child, He still loves me and keeps me even when I’m a disappointment.  His word confirms this over and over.  My name is engraved on His hand – God has tatoos! And He promises He will never leave me – ever!  He gives me promises all over scripture – both Old Testament and New.  And He sprinkles encouragement abundantly through out.  He knows I need it – and He knows you do too.

See, the deal is, I’m not writing this stuff just for me.  Although, writing things down has helped me sort things out and walk closer to God.  No – this stuff is meant to help YOU too!

It’s not easy being transparent in front of the world.  The thing is, if I’m struggling with stuff, I know you are too.  Each one of us wrestles with our own issues.  What crushes you doesn’t crush the next person.  But the fact is – we all get crushed.

This crushing has a purpose.  Our brokenness isn’t for nothing.  And so let’s explore crushing for a moment.

We hate feeling crushed.  But what can crushing do that’s good?  How can a broken soul help another?

When petals of a flower are crushed, that’s when it’s most fragrant.  When a vase is broken and put back together, there are cracks.  If a light is put inside the vase, it will shine through the cracks.

In one way or another, we are all crushed or broken.  God is the Light within us.  And it’s His love that holds us together.  I don’t understand it all, but I do know that it’s all for a reason.  God’s word says each of us has a purpose.  God has plans for us that are good.  None of our mess and frailty are surprises to Him.  He never looks at us and says, “Wow.  I did not see that coming.”  He knows us and loves us anyway.  He calls us by name.

Everything I’m going through is for a reason.  All you are going through is too.

In the midst of our crushing and brokenness, let’s fix our eyes on Jesus, the Author and Perfecter of our faith.  Let’s fall into the arms of Jesus and soak in His crazy awesome, unconditional love.  Let’s put on God’s Armor and take a step forward.  Let’s crush on Jesus and His love.

Crushed and broken we may be, but His light will shine through us and that’s beautiful.

Stuck In The Middle

Exodus 13: 21,22

For 6+ months I have felt like an Israelite in her tent out in the middle of the desert.  I’m watching the pillar of cloud by day and pillar of fire by night.  I am ready for it to move, at least I think I am.

The trouble with being stuck out in the middle of nowhere is it’s too far from the familiar and straight ahead is the unknown.  I have good memories of the familiar and the unknown makes me fearful.  I want to go back to the familiar, but that’s impossible.  I want to move forward even if I can’t see anything ahead, but clearly God is saying no because the cloud hasn’t moved.  Matter of fact most days it looks like it’s going to be there a long time.  Waiting.  I’m not good at that.

The thing is, if I’m honest, I’ve learned alot sitting here in the middle.  It’s not been easy.  Sometimes I retreat into my tent and fold like a deck of cards.  If I allow the enemy to speak into my life, I feel less-than.  I feel like I don’t matter because I’m not doing anything.  And fear takes over.  It’s a sad, lonely, unhappy place.  And just like the Israelites, I grumble.  It’s a natural response.  It’s what the Israelites did.

But when I fix my eyes on Jesus,  I spend time in His word and  I pray openly and honestly, He calms my heart and reassures me that this is all for something.  There’s a purpose.  He’s teaching me important lessons.  Maybe they are lessons for later.  Maybe they are to strengthen my heart and character.  Once again He calls me to trust.  Every time I turn around He seems to be asking me to trust.

The Israelites had to trust.  Here they were so very far from Egypt, and out in the middle of the wilderness.  It was a hot, dry business.  Each day looked like the other.  And I’m sure they asked one another, “when do you think the cloud is going to move?” They wanted to move forward.  They were anxious to reach their destination.

We are like that too.  We are so used to having things move quickly.  Touch screens, remotes, microwaves, and seemingly instant horsepower.  We expect everything to just keep happening.  Even if it’s not moving fast, it’s moving.  So when we end up out in the middle of nowhere waiting, it’s tough.

But, let’s learn something from the Israelites story.  At the right time, they entered the promise land.  The right time.  Let’s pray that we will faithfully trust God to take us to the promised land – when it’s the right time.

The Israelites also grew stronger both in faith and physically.  They went through tough tests in the middle of the desert.  Their faith was tested, strengthened.  They learned who God was and about His character.  And they built up physically.  While life in Egypt was extremely physical, they also weakened because they didn’t get enough food.  Out in the middle, God provided food.  He provided rest.  When the pillar of cloud didn’t move, they could rest to get ready for more of the journey.

So . . . I’m going to trust God more.  I want to move forward, but I also want to learn well the lessons God is teaching me.  I want to be stronger.  God won’t leave me out here in the middle and He won’t leave you either. He promises in His word to never leave us or forsake us.  And I trust He has a plan.  That’s something else He promises in His word.  He has a plan and it’s good.

Let’s do this together…………………………..

Lord – help us/me to trust You completely.  Help us/me to be faithful.  Teach us what we need to know.  Make us stronger for whatever is ahead.  Thank you for the promised land ahead.  Amen

The Final Word

Psalm 20:7

Someone recently told me they think while God is with us, that we need to just make our choices and decisions whether right or wrong.  Then if right – ok.  If wrong – God would say, “Well, don’t do that again.”  I have a hard time with this philosophy.  It’s as if God hasn’t been factored into the decision or situation at all.

My personal devo time in Everyday Holy by Melanie Shankle, sure presents a different idea – and one I whole heartedly agree with.

Psalm 20:7 – Some trust in chariots and some in horses, but we trust in the name of the Lord our God.

Here’s the quote at the end of this day’s devo that sums it up for me – and I’m passing on to you.

“The challenge is to quit looking at the strength we think the “chariots and horses” in our lives can give us – our own instincts, talents, and abilities – and to start trusting in Him, remembering that He holds the answers in the palm of His hand. “

Oh how I desperately want to always trust Him as my Sovereign God and not trust my own instincts, talents or abilities solely.  Yes – He has equipped me to think for myself, but He also wants me to look to Him IN EVERYTHING.  At every turn I need to ask, “what do You think about this Lord?”

May we tuck this verse from the Psalms into our heart and remember God should get the final word.

Faith Walking

Isaiah 42:16 (NIV) 2 Corinthians 5:7 (NASB)

2 Corinthians 5:7 gets quoted a lot.  “We walk by faith, not by sight.”  In Christian circles it rolls off the tongue with great regularity.  But I don’t think I understood it – really understood it – till this year.

This year has been good and awful at the same time.  the bad has seemed to go on and on.  My business/ministry is at a standstill.  I’ve had several health bumps in the road.  Relationships that matter have had rocky moments.  I’ve laid down a ministry at God’s direction.  Grief has reared it’s head more than expected.  Property issues have continued to concern me.  It has felt like every part of my life is up in the air like the balls a juggler uses.  However, mine are all still up in the air with no prediction of coming back down.

The good has been very good.  With no work appointments, I’ve had that precious commodity – TIME – to take care of myself physically and deal with the rest.  I’ve had sacred moments with my adult children that I will never forget.  My grandchildren have brought me so much joy.  And the grief ministry I have been able to do is such a blessing – plus – most of it would not have happened if I didn’t have time.

That lengthy explanation brings me to my point.  I am learning to trust – really trust.  The idea of walking by faith and not by sight is my reality.  I think I understand how much deeper it is than it seems as one quickly quotes that verse.  It’s waiting, trusting and all the while seeing nothing.  I’m an Israelite sitting in my tent, waiting for the pillar of cloud and pillar of fire to move.

I don’t know the way, but God does.  The plan isn’t clear to me but God has a plan, and it’s good.

Isaiah 42:16 came up in my reading today.  It says, “I will lead the blind by ways they have not known, along unfamiliar paths I will guide them; I will turn the darkness into light before them and make the rough places smooth.”

That verse resonates with me.  This walking by faith without sight – in many ways I’m walking blind.  But the incredible thing about it is, I’m not alone.  God is leading me along unfamiliar paths.  He’s guiding me and giving light here and there.  And I can fully trust that at the right time, He will completely turn the darkness to light and make these rough, hard, and uncertain places smooth.

It’s not that suddenly all will be perfect.  It is, however, that the wilderness I’m in right now, will become a promised land of sorts.  I simply need to keep trusting God while I sit in my tent.

“Do not fear for I am with you.  Do not be dismayed, for I am your God.  I will strengthen you and help you; I will uphold you with my righteous right hand.”   Isaiah  41:10

My God Just Gets Bigger & Bigger

Isaiah 55:8-9   Psalm 147:5   Psalm 8:3-4

All morning I have been meditating on how big God is.  I’ve mentally listed and thought on all the ways He blesses me, provides, speaks etc.  My hours have been spent focusing on His attributes and character. And I’ve discovered something profound – at least to me.  As time goes on, God is getting bigger and bigger for me.

It’s not that God has been or is small in any way.  But as we grow in our spiritual walk with Him, as we expand in our trust and love of Him, we find Him bigger.  We love more.  We trust more.  We believe for more.  We ask for more.  God keeps expanding just as our spiritual muscle expands and strengthens.  God doesn’t change – we do.  He is the same yesterday, today and forever. We continue to change – becoming more like Jesus and conforming to the image of Christ.  Hallelujah!

So on a day to day basis, how big is God to you?  Can He orchestrate an unexpected stop in your schedule?  Can He align things perfectly for people to meet and speak into each other’s lives?  Yes – – Yes He can.  He is, after all, the Author of the Play.  This is a continuing theme in my life.

Today is a case in point.  On my way home from physical therapy, I decided it would be really nice to stop at a Christian donut place for a not-on-my-diet donut and coffee.  While there, I noticed and overheard the conversation between twin sisters also taking a break.  My spirit sensed that their spirits were also connected to God.  As they walked passed my table, I stopped them and spoke what my spirit said was true.  We are sisters in Christ !  Their faces lit up with the glow of the Holy Spirit.  God confirmed over and over our “chance” meeting.  One sister suddenly voiced a bona fide need, saying she was trusting God to supply.  I got up out of my seat, put my arm around one on the left, one on the right and prayed over them.  Then they heard my story, but most important,  what God is doing in my life.  They both started prophesying over me – not general but specific.  It was supernatural and I felt a quickening in my spirit because this was the real deal.  This rarely happens.  Oh, there are people that try to speak into my life, but it’s their opinion, their best guess, their wishes or desires for me.  Bless them – – I listen but then let it go.  God gets the final say.

My God is big enough to arrange every moment of my life.  My God has a plan for me and His word says it’s a good plan.  I see in His word that He is a God of redemption, restoration, love, peace, blessing and much grace.  He is a God of order, not chaos.  So while some may say my God meeting today was coincidence, I know it was planned by God long ago.  He gave me the seemingly random thought to stop at this particular place for a yummy treat.  With all the available places to sit, God directed me to a table near my sisters in Christ.  God knew His child needed encouragement and someone to pray over her.  God knew I, too, needed encouragement – – to continue in His waiting room, to believe He has a great plan for me and to speak a specific prophecy about my future.

Every day – every step – every prayer – every moment – my God just gets bigger and bigger.

Called to an unknown place……

Genesis 12: 1-20

We moved pretty often as an Air Force family.  By the time we moved to St. Louis in 2008, it was the 13th move in our marriage.  Probably half of the moves were to a specific home – a door to door type thing.  But sometimes not.  We were in essence homeless for awhile before securing housing. 

Even when we went nearly door to door, I didn’t know what was ahead for me.  What would God have for me to do?  How would I invest in the kids, in my husband, in Air Force service, in kingdom service?

Thinking about all I went through came bursting back to life in my mind as I read today’s scripture.  It’s God’s call to Abram.  He was about to embark on the most uncertain part of his life.  Yet in the uncertainty, God was with him.

Me too.  I’ve periodically questioned where God is taking me with this whole Spouse Survivor Guide booklet thing.  I am uncertain at times.  What should I do next?  Am I on track/off track?  Why would God choose me to do this?  I fight feelings of inadequacy.  And yet, I know God is walking with me. I know He has called me.  I know I can’t make it without Him.

God called Abram to go.  Go –> from his country, from his relatives/family, and from a stable, established home to an unknown place. Abram had many challenges.  But he had amazing successes too.  God blessed him greatly and changed his name.  God fulfilled every promise.

That’s my sure hope, and yours too.  The God of Hope is walking with us.  We are not alone.  He promises never to leave us or forsake us.  Hallelujah!!

I’m not going to get things right all the time and neither are you.  Abram had his share of mess-ups and bad decisions.  But God still used him.  God blessed him.  God fulfilled His promises to Abram.  God will use you and me too.  God will bless us and fulfill His promises to us.

I’m still frightened and unsure of my future.  But as long as God is with me, I know it will be not only all right, it will be good.  His word says so.

Jeremiah 29:11      For I know the plans that I have for you, declares the Lord, plans for welfare and not for calamity, to give you a future and a hope.

                                                                                           .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  Amen


*Spouse Survivor Guide information found at



What Should We Do?

Luke 3: 1 – 20

Day in and day out we make choices.  Some are easier than others.  But what really stops us in our tracks are the big questions like,   “What should I do?”  This is not meaning, should I go to a party or event, or stay home.  No.  This question, the one that tugs on our heart, is about seeking God’s will, usually concerning something significant.

Let me interject here that we NEED to seek God’s will in EVERYTHING, especially the big decisions in life.  We desperately need His guidance.

However, in the midst of waiting for the big answers, I believe God tells us many times in scripture to do what we know.  Certainly in this passage, that comes through loud and clear.

John the Baptist had quite a thriving ministry, even though he was an odd sort of dude out in the wilderness.  People came to hear his message of repentance and they asked him, “what should we do?”  They were looking for a big theological answer –  for a cosmic revelation.

There were three groups asking this question.  John’s answers pretty much told them to do what they knew was right.

To the multitudes he said, share your resources with the poor or those who had a need.

To the tax collectors he said, be honest and don’t be greedy.

To the soldiers he said, have integrity in your job, don’t lie, and be content with your wages.

This all seems like simple stuff.  These are things everyone should do.  There’s no new revelation here.  I think that is precisely what we can get out of this scripture passage.  While we are waiting for God to give us the bigger answers, it’s important to do what we know.

For me personally, I see two truths I can cling to reliably.  1 – God is always working on my behalf.  So while He is working on my bigger issues, I need to keep doing what I know to do – “just keep swimming” –  and trust that God’s got this.  And 2 – be faithful in the small things.  If I can’t do the smaller things, why would God trust me with more?

So thank you Lord for leading me to this scripture today.  Thank you for showing me something I have never seen before.  Thank you for the assurance that as You are working on my big questions, I can continue to be faithful in what I know to do — day-to-day, in the ordinary, in the regular, in the mundane, in everyday life.


Living in the land of “Mostly”

Psalm 37: 3 – 7

It seems like I end up where I am today a lot over the past 3+ years.  I’m desperate to get back on track in my trusting, delighting, committing, resting and waiting patiently.  Though I know I’m not the only one that goes through this, at present it just feels so singularly focused – as though I am the worst of the worst.

Maybe I should explain.  After losing my husband over 3 years ago, it’s been a constant struggle to make big decisions and be responsible for so much outside my wheelhouse.  All the while I find myself continuing the path of service on many levels.  Sometimes it all gets to be a bit much, actually too much.  Add to that a deep loneliness and it makes for one hurting mess of a person.

You might look from the outside and see someone who is walking along with God quite well and trusting.  I’d have to agree with you most days.  But there are other days, like today, where I see so clearly that I am still trying to do some of it in my own power.  The giving over of self completely is what we all seem to struggle with, I think.

I could be wrong, but it seems like we end up in the land of “mostly”, most of the time.  Trusting Jesus mostly.  Committing mostly, waiting patiently mostly. . .and maybe not so mostly.  The trouble is, living in the land of “mostly” isn’t good.  At some point the Holy Spirit presses hard enough for us to really listen and our hearts break.  We are brought face to face with our sin of “mostly”. 

I sincerely believe that broken is where we need to be for God to display His love and His grace.  When we stop living “mostly” and give ourselves completely to Him, He will do great things in and for us.  How can He fill us when we are full of ourselves?  How can He bring hope and healing to us when we are trying to work it out on our own?  I read in my Jesus Calling perpetual calendar this morning, the following – and it’s quite profound.

“Understanding will never bring you peace.  That’s why I have instructed you to trust in Me, not your understanding. ”

This is, of course, from Proverbs 3: 5 & 6 – very good verses to memorize.

Back to Psalm 37.  Now that I’m broken, I can let God put me back together the right way.  I’m choosing to trust Him as much as I can, and letting Him empower me to trust more.  I’m choosing to delight in Him, something I need to be more intentional about.  I’m choosing to wait patiently – whoa. . . this is a tough one, no matter who you are. 

So whatever the outcome, I am actually thankful for this broken, tear-filled day.  Getting with God and being honest is very healing.  There will still be the struggle of “mostly”, but I’m leaning into God completely at the moment.  I’m fully trusting and putting His armor on for the rest of the day.  His power, not mine.

Lord – I’m a broken mess.  Please put me back together as only You can.  I choose to trust You completely.  Help my unbelief.  Help me stay in the completely camp, not the mostly camp.  Thank you Holy Spirit for pressing me so hard and breaking me.  I love You Lord and I lift my broken life to You – for your honor and glory.      —Amen


Divine Coincidences?

Luke 1

The first chapter of Luke is not the frequently read chapter of this book.  Usually Luke 2 is read repeatedly during the Christmas season.  But I’m focusing on the first chapter today and actually started my focus on this yesterday.

There’s so much I have never seen before.  Take the introduction, for example.  Luke explains that though many have written about the events surrounding Jesus’ birth and life, he’s going to write an accurate account of it too – after careful investigation of everything.  You can tell he’s a doctor with his attention to detail and accuracy.  There is no other book in the Bible that begins in this manner.  Luke firmly states he’s doing this so Theophilus, and you & I of course, can be certain of the truth.  This is the first of many things in this chapter that I find fascinating.

The next part that grips me is the way God orchestrated the birth of John the Baptist and Jesus.  Just look at the facts, which some might call divine coincidences.

The “Just Happens”……….

  • Zacharias and Elizabeth just happen to be in the priestly line of Aaron – not just Zacharias, but Elizabeth too.  When the bible talks about lineage, rarely does it mention the lineage of a woman.
  • Zacharias just happens to be taking his turn tending to the burning of incense in the temple which is done completely out of sight from everyone else in the temple.  This sets the scene perfectly for the visitation of Gabriel.
  • Then it just happens that after Zacharias goes home – bam – Elizabeth becomes pregnant, just like Gabriel said.
  • 6 months later the same angel, Gabriel, visits Mary, who is, by the way, a virgin.  Gabriel announces she will be pregnant without being with a man. And oh by the way, this baby is the Messiah, the Son of God.  Whoa………….
  • Mary just happens to accept the message and a few days later heads to see her relative, Elizabeth.  Mary has heard through family that Elizabeth is pregnant and that it’s a miracle.  Mary is drawn to go see Elizabeth – coincidence?
  • When Elizabeth hears Mary’s greeting, baby John inside her does a flip.  At 6 months that would have been a bit jolting since the baby is a good size by then.  Baby John just happens to be chosen by God before conception to be the one who will announce to everyone that Jesus is coming, so repent and get ready.  Baby John just happens to be a huge piece in the overall story of Jesus’ ministry beginning.
  • Mary just happens to be so moved with what Elizabeth has confirmed that she breaks into an amazing song of praise.  This very young girl just happens to be righteous and spiritually wise beyond her years.  She just happens to be able to connect all the dots of prophecy and 100% believe she is, in fact, carrying the Messiah – without having been instructed by a scripturally knowledgeable male, which was the only way women gained scriptural knowledge at that time.
  • John the Baptist is born and Zacharias just happens to suddenly be able to talk after 9+ months of being mute.
  • After being mute for 9+ months, Zacharias isn’t just able to talk, he speaks a prophecy about Jesus and his son, John, who will be a prophet of the Most High. Zacharias just happens to have this deep insight.

That’s an awful lot of “just happens”.  My God is so amazing in performing mighty works, of making the impossible, possible.  I see His hand in every piece of the story – mine too.

No coincidence………….God knew.

That’s my take away from all this.  God is working all the stuff of my life together too.  He knew before I was born that I would marry Tracy.  He knew the life we would have together.  He knew all the struggles and lessons learned.  He knew Tracy’s life would end before mine.  He knew the journey I would embark on as I said goodbye to Tracy.  He knew the calling I would embrace and the path this tragedy would cause me to walk.  He knew I would face challenges and loneliness.  He knows where I am going and whether it will be alone or with someone to walk beside.  He knows it all.  To Him my life isn’t a mystery, it’s history.  He already knows how it will all play out.  And so…..there really are no coincidences.  Everything happens for a reason.  Every person He places on my journey is important, so I must trust Him.

This reminds me of a song – a hymn actually.  “There’s no other way to be happy in Jesus, but to trust and obey.”  I may not know what my future holds.  But I know I can trust Him.  And – I know I must obey – do what I know He calls me to do.  And so…………even when it’s hard, even when my heart is breaking, even when I don’t understand – – – I will trust and obey – – – because there are no divine coincidences.  God is totally and completely in control.  He’s the author of the play.

What God Wants. . .

Genesis 3…….Psalms………Proverbs…………….

For some time, God has nudged me, led me to read a certain book, and allowed people to speak into my life, coming in the form of sermons and faith sharing with a dear friend.  They have been pieces to this puzzle.

Mind you, it all started a couple months ago really.  That’s when God began drawing me closer to the truth of what He wants.  And then a couple weeks ago I began thinking over Genesis 3.  I’ve read it lots of times.  You too?  Well – maybe for the first time ever, I think I’ve got it – at least God’s message to me.

Why did everything get so screwed up in the beginning?  Adam and Eve didn’t obey God.  Why do we get into such messes?  We don’t obey God.  How in the world do we get to places where life seems impossible to handle?  We haven’t obeyed God – or – maybe the issue actually is that we never asked Him what He wants in the first place.  And because we ventured off on our own, we find ourselves overscheduled, overwhelmed, restless, stuck or immersed in the meaningless.

This is where I’ve been.  I suspect you have too at some point.  And while I am certainly not flawless in this, I AM going  in the right direction.  Bottom line is:  1) I needed to come to the end of myself – and – 2) I needed to focus singularly on God and ask Him what He wanted – what is essential? – what is the core, simple truth that I seem to be missing?

Obedience.  Yeah – not a popular word.  Neither is it something easy to do.  Often we hear His voice and pretend we didn’t.  Or we listen to the father of lies like Eve and decide we might have a better plan.

The Path of Discovery………………………

Let me take you down the path of discovery over the last two months as I took in and dug deep to figure this out.

Initially I read the book by Bill Hybels, Simplify.  It’s so spot on as far as priorities, getting back to God and what He wants.  At the end of Bill’s book he says, “We get one shot at this life.  Choose a purposeful, God-first life, and you will reap rewards for today and for eternity.”

About this time I went home to NY.  It had been 20 years.  The main reason for going home was to speak at the induction ceremony for the Wall of Fame at my former high school.  My husband, Tracy, was being inducted.  It was an honor to speak on his behalf.  But this was just the tip of the iceberg.

Let me back up and tell you that as I travel I always ask God to give me opportunities to minister to others.  It could be simply a listening ear, word of encouragement or doing something to brighten their day by expressing kindness.  This trip was extraordinarily different.  It was as if there was a funnel above me where God was pouring everything in.  I was the recipient of love, grace, mercy, heart healing and comfort.  Though the words may not convey it, the experience was deep – beyond words deep.  So add that to the reading of Bill’s book and listening to what the Holy Spirit was telling me.  Bill’s book isn’t opinion.  It’s solidly supported by many scriptures.  And – it caused me to research the scriptures further because I wanted more.  I needed more.

Over the next 6 weeks or so I heard sermons that reinforced the word – obedience.  And, in sharing our faith walks, my dear friend made me focus once again on obedience – simplifying – getting priorities straight – focusing on God – letting minor things fall away – drawing me closer to God and further away from the calendar, the schedule, the tyranny of the urgent.  Yikes.  .  . the promptings of the Holy Spirit were getting uncomfortable.

I still wanted more – so I looked up scripture about obedience.  Turns out God is all about obedience.  To obey is better than sacrifice.  That theme goes through the whole Bible.  I found references to this from I Samuel to Luke.  The light bulb came on and I finally got it.  Obedience – God wants obedience.  Even though I may not get it perfect, my heart needs to bleed obedience.

Like so many things in God’s economy, there’s more to obedience than you might think.  First of all, by choosing a “purposeful, God-first life”, it leads to simplifying.  I listen to the ONE voice more than the many. Yes, it means I make tough choices, but I’d rather be true to God than the many.  I’m not really accountable to all of them and neither are you, by the way.

Secondly, it pushed me to investigate the whole “delight” thing since God delights in our obedience more than sacrifice.  This, too, is a big deal to God.

There’s lots on delight in the Psalms. Here are some with the original Hebrew meaning in parentheses.  This totally blessed my heart.  I hope it does you too.

  • Psalm 1:2 ~ delight in the law of the Lord (a valuable thing, desired)
  • Psalm 37:4 ~ delight yourself in the Lord (luxurious)
  • Psalm 40:8 ~ delight to do Thy will (be well pleased)
  • Psalm 119:77 ~ Thy law is my delight (to please)

also Proverbs……………………both are good pleasure

  • Proverbs 11: 20 ~ the blameless in their walk are His delight
  • Proverbs 15:8 ~ the prayer of the upright is His delight

God delights in me when I obey, when I put HIm first, when I make Him the best and only.  In turn, we are to delight in Him – to please, to value, to desire, to luxuriate in Him.

When was the last time you were that into God?  It’s a question I think we all need to ask ourselves.

So.  .  . starting now – I’m choosing to focus on God.  I’m making Him the singular voice.  Getting this right will make everything and everyone fall into the proper place.  This isn’t going to always go as it should, but it is SO worth the effort.  I know.  Because when I have actually done this consistently, life sure seems more abundant and joy-filled.

I hope you will give this a try.  Pray about it.  Dig into God’s word yourself.

God wants our obedience – yeah – that’s what God wants.





Let me introduce you. . .

John 1: 1 – 18

There are introductions . . . and there are personal introductions.  The first simply tells you someone’s name.  The second tells you more about them – their character, their heart.  The first kind of intro is necessary.  The second facilitates a personal connection.  My heart needs the second.

Now – – certainly we know that Jesus came to die for our sins and provide salvation.  But I see more . . . .

The first 17 verses tell us a lot about Jesus.  He was there at creation, He was the True Light, John the baptist introduced Jesus and grace & truth came through Him. All that is great. It’s historical. It’s spiritual. But there’s more . . . .

Honestly, I’ve never paid verse 18 much attention.  I read it and as a churched kid, I thought it was pretty straight forward – – and it is. But there’s more . . . .

The ore is at the end of verse 18.  The NASB says “He (Jesus) has explained Him (God the Father).  That’s really good, but I love the way the Amplified bible reads – “the (One and) only begotten God (that is, the unique Son) who is in the intimate presence of the Father, He has explained Him (and interpreted and revealed the awesome wonder of the Father).

When Jesus was here on earth, He showed us what the Father was like.  He “interpreted and revealed the awesome wonder of the Father”.  That’s reasonable.  Father, Son, and Spirit are One.  Being so close, it makes perfect sense that Jesus was the logical One to reveal the Father’s character and heart.

There are some who say they don’t need Jesus to show them the Father.  After all, just read about all He did in the time of the Old Testament, right? They rely on intellectualizing and spiritualizing God.  In essence, they put Him in a special God box.  By compartmentalizing Him, they come to their own conclusions based on recorded events, astounding miracles and good vs evil.  But the deal is . . .God is so much more.

Maybe by separating God from emotions like love, compassion or forgiveness, they can be pragmatic about their faith.  Perhaps it makes it easier for them to relegate Him to only Sundays.

Personally, I want to know more about God.  I want to know His heart.  I want to walk with Him every single day.  What does He love?  What does He hate?  I want to be so in tune with His heart, I can sense His direction in my life – my calling, His will.  And by knowing and understanding more of who God is, I can better understand the miraculous events and meaning behind the true stories in scripture.

Now that I know Jesus was personally introducing me to Father God, I believe I will see more as I read His word.  It’s not merely spiritual, it’s personal.  It’s not just stories strung together, its a love letter from God.  Yes, I see good vs evil and guidance for my path.  But there’s so much more . . . .


The Gardener

Genesis 1 & 2

Every spring I look forward to digging up the soil, getting the weeds out and planting.  You wouldn’t call me an avid gardener though.  I’m not out there every day, other than watering.  Still, I really love preparing, planning and then planting.  The flowers and herbs bring me great joy.  I actually smile each morning as I tend to them.

Did God feel joy as He prepared, planned and planted the garden of Eden?  I wonder. . . .

Though I have read the first two chapters o the bible before, I honestly never saw that Father God was a gardener.  I had never seen Him doing that in creation and had never tied that to God preparing, planning and planting the garden of our lives.  It all makes sense though.  The picture of God planting different things in each season of our lives definitely works.

I look at my life and see how God planted, tended, protected and gave me what I needed to grow through the years.  I also see how my garden burned to the ground in 2014 when my husband died.  I found myself sitting in nothing but ash.  But bit by bit the fertile soil, nourished by the nutrients in the ash, began to recover.

The process has been painful but necessary.  Along the way God has used grief moments to work the dead ashes into the soil, turning it over & over.  He didn’t allow weeds and He tended the soil of my heart with great care.  He used His word, bible study and prayer to feed me.  He used music, dear friends and love from family to water my soul.  Now more than 3 years later I see growth.  The garden of my life has some green and a few flowers.


I am becoming – actually we all are.  God has been and will always be the Master Gardener.  We can trust Him to plan perfectly and plant beauty.  His word promises that “He who began the good work in you will continue his work until it is finally finished.” – Philippians 1:6.  Isn’t that good news?  We aren’t finished yet.  Our gardens aren’t fully mature.  God is still planting, still tending.  God is a good Gardener.

If you are in a season of ashes, or a season of painful weed pulling, just know God has a plan.  Know God not only loves you, but loves gardening.  And just like I thrill to see flowers bloom, God thrills to see each of us bloom and mature.  Our garden just looks better and better as we become more like Him.  So take heart.  No matter what your garden looks like, there’s hope.  God’s not done with you.  Matter of fact, He may just be in the beginning season of restoration. 

Trust the Master Gardener.  Let Him restore your soul.  He will  “do exceedingly abundantly beyond all you ask or think.” – Ephesians 3:20

I can’t wait to see the finished garden – mine and yours.

Are you experiencing turbulence?

2 Corinthians 13:11

There is a card I have been using to hold my place in my bible as I’ve gone through 2 Corinthians.  A dear friend gave it to me one year after my husband was interred at Jefferson Barracks in St. Louis.  The card ministered to my spirit so profoundly that I wanted to have it close to read again and again.  This is what it says.

          Whatever comes your way today – circumstances around you or feelings within you. . . be certain of God’s still, small voice saying,  “You are Mine. . . I love you. . . and I’ll never let you go.”

Those are such precious words to me – to anyone grieving really.  But not just grieving – a person could be experiencing all sorts of turbulence.  These words soothe my heart.  They bring me peace.

Lately, I have seen  “love” and “peace” in scripture in several places.  It’s not a coincidence.  My heart has been experiencing a lot of turbulence lately. Sometimes life just seems hard — sometimes unfair – and sometimes we just hurt from discouragement or other reasons.  We need to know we are loved.  We need peace – but not just any peace.  We need God’s peace.

2 Corinthians 13:11 says “. . . the God of love and peace shall be with you.” (NASB)  In the last 4 verses of this chapter, Paul mentions God’s love and peace twice.  I needed to read my card AND I needed to see again in scripture that God does indeed love me as well as have the kind of peace He gives. God has my attention.

Does this come instantly like magic?  Do I suddenly feel perfectly fine?  NO.  What DOES happen is this.  As I turn my focus to my heavenly Father, read His word and offer my broken, troubled spirit, He comforts me.  He stills my heart.  He tells me again that He loves me.  He reminds me that while others may leave, He will not.  He’s with me every step, every hour, every moment.  I am not alone.  And I feel His peace wash over me.  I still have turbulence, but I choose peace.  Life isn’t perfect, but I choose peace.  My heart is still hurting, but God’s hand gently touches my heart.  he will stay till the tears subside and I finally rest in Him.  How awesome is that???

Just in case you’re reading this and are having a rough time too, reach out to God.  Realize you are not alone.  Talk to Him.  Lay it all out.  Cry, crumble, lay your heart on the altar.  God will pick you up.  He will never leave you.  And His incredible peace will wash over you.

Dear one – – – – I pray you will see and know that the God of love and peace will be with you – – – -always.

Are you a hypocrite?

2 Corinthians 12:9 NLT

My grace is all you need.  My power works best in weakness.

None of us want to admit to a weakness.  Our culture and society pushes us to be strong, never admitting we don’t have it all together.  The crazy thing is, it’s not real.  Every single one of us struggles with something.  None of us has it completely together.  So Christian or not, we are all a little bit of a hypocrite.

Isn’t that one of the main reasons non-Christians refuse to go to church?  They think we are all hypocrites.  And we ARE in one way or other.  We all sin.  We all fail.  The difference is that we can go to Jesus – – confess, repent, be restored.  And so – – we are not really hypocrites.  We’re forgiven.  Where we become hypocritical is when we lie about our confessed sin.  It’s easy to go to God, accept restoration, but never own up and take responsibility for our words or actions.

The deal is, the world isn’t looking for us to be perfect.  They are looking for people who are authentic – – real.  They stand up and take notice when we own up to a transgression with words of apology.  Unfortunately that scenario is a rarity.  People don’t want to hear words of faith.  They want to see it lived out in your life.  When they see faith lived authentically, they become curious and may just decide that Jesus is worth a second look.

The thing is, if I’m honest, I’m not happy about my weaknesses, my failings, the chinks in my armor.  I would really like to hide all that.  Can’t I just keep it between Jesus and me?  Um……, not if I’m serious about being real.

It’s the Velveteen Rabbit story.  When the Velveteen Rabbit became real, his stitching was not intact, his fur was rubbed off in places.  But, he was real.  He was well loved.  He was accepted as is.  In fact, he was treasured.  I want that.  So I need to embrace the things in me that are less than.  I must embrace being honest and authentic.  It’s crucial for me to hold  myself accountable and make apologies.

Bottom line – – I have to be all in with Jesus.  I must totally believe 2 Corinthians 12:9.  God’s grace is all I need.  His power works best in my weakness.  I must unconditionally trust Him.

I invite you to completely trust Him too.  We aren’t wired to roll this way, but with God we can change.  We can embrace the weakness instead of hiding it.  If we are faithful to live authentically before others, it could lead to an opportunity to share what makes the difference in our life.  We can share that it’s not a religion, it’s a relationship.

Lord –  so much in me wants to hide my flaws and mistakes.  Help me trust You completely.  Give me courage to live authentically and be quick to apologize.  Through this let others see You in me.                  – Amen

God sees. . . . .God knows. . . . .

2 Corinthians 11: 21 – 33

Do you ever complain just a little about something you do for God?  Maybe it’s the enormous amount of time invested.  Or – maybe it’s a task or job that is completely thankless.  Maybe you feel invisible.  Maybe you wonder occasionally if what you are doing for God even makes a difference.  I think we’ve all been there at some point.

It’s at this point I direct you (and me) to the passage today in 2 Corinthians 11.  Paul went through so much for the gospel.  He endured uncomfortable, painful and demeaning stuff.  I don’t think I would make it through some of it.  And if I did, I would seriously be reevaluating this following Jesus thing.  Getting beat up for Jesus and the gospel – would I be able to withstand this?  Oh how I hope I would somehow, with God’s help, find the strength and faith muscle to endure.  I honestly don’t know, though.  None of us does because we aren’t facing this type of persecution.  I pray we never do. 

Around the world there are Christians being persecuted, murdered for the faith.  Will it come to the United States?  I don’t know.

The only thing I do know is this – well, actually two things.  1 – I have no room to complain and 2 – I need to be so firmly grounded in God’s word, so sure of my faith, so close to Jesus, that should severe persecution come to my country, I will be prepared to suffer for the cause of Christ.

So when ministry in any form costs us extra time, effort or humility, we can remember Paul, as well as the persecuted church, and not complain.  Our efforts are not in vain.  God sees.  God knows.  God cares. 

To God Be The Glory……………………………………

Going Home. . .

John 1: 16 “From his abundance we have all received one gracious blessing after another.”

I have just finished a wonderful week home, where I grew up.  Home – where Tracy & I met.  Home – where so many memories were made in the 20 years before getting married and moving away. My mind & heart embraced more memories than I could write about here.  Each day I experienced smells, sights, sounds, people, that flooded my mind with memories – funny, strange, happy, sad, and every other one you can think of.  They are all blessings!!!!!

There are many verses in God’s word that talk about blessings.  I chose this one because this is how I experienced them – – “one gracious blessing after another.”  You would expect that I would tell you the people were the most important.  Yes – they were so very important.  But the thing about this visit was that every place I re-visited, every sound, touch, taste, smell, everything evoked memories of people……………even if that people was me. (smile)

The Mead Farm

While there in the Binghamton/Tri-Cities/Owego area, I visited my high school, my college, each home I lived in, the home/area where Tracy grew up, where I met him, where we dated, the summer site at Cayuga lake where our family spent so much of our summers – oh my, so many memories, and the Mead Farm.  The Mead Farm is where I stayed………………….it was just perfect………in a room upstairs in the farmhouse, quilt on the bed, cows in the barn, & field, farm equipment here and there and that wonderful aroma that perhaps only those of us who grew up in the country could appreciate. Old memories………..New memories…………..”one gracious blessing after another.”

Milking 8 at a time









The main reason I flew home was to speak at the Induction Ceremony for Tracy.  He was inducted onto the Wall of Fame.  My cousin, Bonnie Mead, was my date.  We enjoyed a delicious dinner and then the ceremony. I’m not sure how to describe the honor to speak on my husband’s behalf.  I looked out at faces of people who knew neither me nor Tracy and they teared up, listened intently, celebrated with me. It was extraordinary!  My heart was sad, and yet full, proud, honored, soaring.

Tracy’s Plaque on the Wall of Fame

Speaking at the Induction Ceremony





God put this whole trip together.  There’s no way around it.  From the very moment Bonnie tagged me on Facebook about the ceremony, everything fell into place. Within 4 weeks I was purchasing tickets, arranging car rental, place to stay etc. etc. etc.  God spoke to my heart over and over and showed me that yes, indeed, I was supposed to go home.  Now was the time.  Blessings.

Isn’t that how God works?  When we are in His will & seeking his face, He is so very faithful.  I don’t deserve His favor and yet He gives it to me.  I love Him so much for that.  After all, who am I?  Why should I enjoy “one gracious blessing after another”?  I’m not sure why He chose to bless me with this trip.  It’s at this point that I am so very glad He is the Author of the Play.  He sees the end from the beginning.  So I trust Him.  I simply trust Him.

Simplify. . . . Hear His Whisper

Matthew 11: 28 – 30

While getting some other things at the Christian bookstore recently, I picked up a book by Bill Hybels – “Simplify”.  I respect Mr. Hybels so I picked up the book to check chapter titles and endorsements.  It looked good and I know I the need to simplify.  This happens each summer as I review what took place over the previous September to May.  Every year the landscape and choices are a little different for me.  This is the time of year I pray about women’s ministry, music, leading Adult VBS music, and lots of other stuff.  In addition, I get thinking about bigger ideas – where is God leading – what happened last year in bible study, work, music etc.   More importantly, I look for places I can get a better handle on commitments. 

Anyway – this book, I feel, is going to be a game changer for me.  Here are some of the words used in the chapter titles – overscheduled, overwhelmed, anxious, drifting, stuck, meaningless, exhausted.  Do you identify with any of those???  I sure do.  Maybe it’s not constant, but sometimes it almost feels like I am meeting myself coming and going. I feel overwhelmed as I contemplate the upcoming calendar or as I think about decisions which will affect the next year.  My decisions affect others and it all becomes so heavy – in both mind and heart. I need to sort it out.  

That’s where this book comes in.  As I sit here writing this, I’m in the Detroit airport on my way home – where I grew up.  I’m getting a week to visit, to attend a ceremony, to relax, to think things through. I brought the book with me and have only made it through the first chapter.  Even though that’s true, I can see that it’s going to make me ask myself some serious questions.  Focusing and identifying what is best among all the good is the task at hand. God talks about “the abundant life” in His word.  That’s what I want.  Mr. Hybels has struggled with all of this and still does to a degree.  That’s why what he has to say in this book is so impactful.  He’s lived this, he’s figured out some stuff with God’s help, and he is having a good deal of success employing key strategies.

How does this qualify as a devotional? Bring scripture into this and it really changes everything.  There are several places where God makes the point of priorities, but I’ll just site a couple.  In Luke‘s gospel Jesus goes to the home of Mary and Martha.  Mary chooses to sit at Jesus’ feet while Martha freaks out in the kitchen.  Mary invested in relationship.  Martha, while her heart was in the right place, was demonstrating what happens when we are overwhelmed and anxious.  In the process she became frazzled and I’m sure exhausted. Jesus said to her, “My dear Martha, you are worried and upset over all these details!  There is only one thing worth being concerned about.  Mary has discovered it, and it will not be taken away from her.”  Jesus was saying that connecting with Him was what was important.  And in Matthew Jesus says, “Come to Me, all of you who are weary and carry heavy burdens, and I will give you rest.  Take my yoke upon you.  Let me teach you, because I am humble and gentle at heart, and you will find rest for your souls.  For my yoke is easy to bear, and the burden I give you is light.”

What does it all mean?  I am willing to bet that I’m not the only one that feels this way from time to time.  I’m learning that it’s absolutely crucial to put my energy and trust in the most important things.  There is no way we can do all that we want to do.  If I will keep my priorities straight, God will help me sort the calendar and requests out.

Mr. Hybels talks about “uncluttering the soul”.  That is precisely what is needed.  I’ll leave you with a quote from this first chapter……………so good.  “…without the needless clutter clanging around in your soul, you’ll be able to hear – and respond to – each whisper from God.”  I want to hear His whisper – every single one.

The Ultimate Reno. . .

2 Corinthians 11: 1 – 20

When I was growing up, it was a much simpler time in all areas.  There were not as many choices for one thing.  Phones were stationary and had only one function.  Churches didn’t have a myriad of programs.  And television had somewhere between 3 and 10 channels.  Amazing isn’t it?

Another thing was true too.  Good and evil were relatively easy to distinguish.  There were indeed gray areas as well, but not as much as today.

Today we have so many good things, it is very difficult , at times, to determine what’s best.  Evil has been dressed up, concealed and promoted as either something good or simply something we should tolerate.  So many of the lesser evils have become “normal” in our world.  When compared to the evil of terrorism, they seemingly fade into the dailiness of life.  And right there is the danger.

Satan is the father of lies.  His character is all about deception.  He twists things around and gets us thinking toward sin instead of away from it.  He wears us down bit by bit with subtle lies until we start believing his propaganda.  This is precisely what Paul is warning against in 2 Corinthians 11.

Warnings. . .

Twice in this passage Paul flashes a warning about satan’s deception.  In verse 3 he reminds us how in the beginning he deceived Eve by leading her mind astray.  In verses 14 & 15 Paul tells us that he disguises himself as an angel of light. And, his servants appear as servants of righteousness.  This is scary stuff.

If we are honest – if I am honest – he has tricked us in so many ways.  Often we are afraid to come against something if it seems it’s “not a big deal”.  Or, we simply don’t see it coming.  It’s so incredibly subtle that we don’t recognize what’s happened till much later.

So how do we fight back?  How do we retake the ground that’s lost?  How do we stay vigilant against deception?  Is there a way to stand firm against the subtle lies?  Yes.

What to do. . .

One way is to pray the Armor of God.  Yes – the Armor of God again. . . .Get dressed every single day.  Ask God to quicken our our spirit to anything that’s “off”.   Ask the Holy Spirit to give us special discernment for satan’s lies and cloaked deception.  Ask God to wake us up out of our spiritual slumber so we can remain on alert.  Remember that there is a battle going on, whether we see it openly or not.  We must acknowledge that it exists.  By keeping that thought in the forefront of our minds, we are automatically positioned to see the truth.  And above all we must stay in God’s word everyday and pray. God’s word is truth.  God’s word is our Sword of the Spirit.  We can do effective battle with knowledge of God’s word and prayer.

One other thing helps so much and is often missed when discussing the battle for our minds – Praise.  Praise and worship songs are so very helpful.  Psalm 22:3 tells us that God inhabits the praise of His people.  Where God is, satan cannot be.  I also love Romans 12:2 which says, “do not be conformed to this world, but be transformed by the renewing of your mind.”  That’s huge, because it’s basically saying we need to re-wallpaper our mind.  And how do we do that?  We do it by re-wallpapering with God’s word, with prayer and praise.  We saturate our minds with Him so satan can’t find any room for his lies.

God’s Not Dead !!

So take courage dear one.  We need to do this together.  Yes, we’ve allowed our minds to be deceived probably in many ways.  But that stops here.  This is war and we must put on the Armor and re-wallpaper our minds – serious renovation.  God is faithful and with His help we won’t be deceived anymore.  In the words of a song – “God’s not dead. He’s surely alive.  He’s living on the inside, roaring like a lion.”

Who’s First?

2 Corinthians 10: 1 – 10

No matter where you look, there seems to be a structure of hierarchy.

  • in the animal kingdom
  • among birds
  • in organizations
  • in business
  • in the church
  • in our jobs
  • in families

It’s this concept of hierarchy, or putting things/people in order of importance, that has me struggling lately.  It was tormenting me under the surface of everyday life for quite awhile.  Then a combination of scripture readings and a video series called “gods at war” by Kyle Idleman, pierced my heart.  As I watched the teaching video, tears came and I saw clearly the reason my heart had been hurting so much.  And – I was wrecked – in a good way.

We think as Christians that we may break some of the commandments, but we certainly have not broken the first two.  In reality, we have probably broken them more than any others.

The first commandment is to have no other gods (small g) before God.  The second is to not make any kind of idol.  In our minds we go immediately to Old Testament pictures of pagans with bizarre gods and gold, bronze, silver or wood idols.  Of course we haven’t done anything like that – or have we?

It’s the hierarchy, or order, that God demands.  He says in the first commandment that He must be at the top – no lesser gods before the One True God.  And the second commandment goes along with that because any idol is something that comes before God.  It doesn’t have to be an object, it can be good things that have gained too much importance.  And that’s where I found myself – Yikes.



In the video series it addresses several gods – pleasure, love, power, money, me.  None of them are awful, evil things.  What we do with them and where our thoughts, money and time are spent tell a different story.

Where’s my focus?  What is consuming my thoughts?  Where am I stuck?  What’s invading my heart and mind?

In the midst of all this I read 2 Corinthians 10 where I zero in on verses 3 – 5.  I am living a life in the flesh in a flesh driven world.  But, I have spiritual weapons at my disposal.  I have the power of the Holy Spirit to recognize and take every “above God” thought and put it in the correct place or throw it out completely – whatever the Spirit prompts to do.

If you are struggling with this stuff like I am, take courage dear one.  Don’t be discouraged when you can’t seem to get it right all the time.  Me either !!  Doesn’t it feel sometimes like we take 2 or 3 steps forward and one back?  UGH!  So frustrating.  This is where I hold tightly to Philippians 1:6 – “I am confident of this very thing, that He who began a good work in you will perfect it until the day of Christ Jesus.”  I am unfinished, in progress, under construction.  You and I have to cut ourselves a bit of slack.  It’s not condoning excuses.  It’s acknowledging that we are but dust.  We’re human, broken, imperfect.  But God doesn’t throw us away when we mess up.  He wants us to confess, accept His forgiveness (I John 1:9) and get back in the game with Him.  He has more to do in and through our lives.  He is NOT done with us yet.  We are not failures.  He loves when we come back to Him and put Him at the very top of our priorities and thoughts.

I’m doing this daily………………


Here’s what I have started to do and you are welcome to do this too.  First of all I acknowledge every day in my morning prayers that it is my desire to put God first.  I ask Him to help me identify and take captive every thought that competes for His place in my life.  Another thing that has become  automatic every day since the beginning of 2017 is praying the armor of God on myself.  It goes like this. . .

Lord –  I put on the helmet of salvation – Your salvation because there is salvation in no one else.  I pray protection over my mind, my eyes and my ears.  I put on the breastplate of righteousness to protect my heart and other vital parts – Your righteousness because I have none on my own. I put on the belt of truth.  Your truth – not truth from the culture, the country, my church, my friends, or anything but Your Word.   I take up the shield of faith to extinguish the enemy’s fiery darts – the ones I can see and the ones I can’t see coming (meaning I place the shield over my head, crouching down, becoming turtle-like).  I take up the sword of the Spirit – God’s Word.  I infuse my mind with Your Word that I can use as I battle each day.  I put on shoes of peace.  May I walk through my day in peace and bless others with peace.  Above all, I cover with prayer – not just at that moment but conversationally through the whole day……………………….Amen.

The Milking Bucket

2 Corinthians 4: 7 – 12

When I was a young girl, I spent a good bit of time at my Uncle Albert and Aunt Marie’s farm.  They had various animals, but what I’m thinking about today are the cows.  More precisely, I am remembering the milking buckets.

Of course new methods are used to milk cows, but I remember when you pulled up a stool, put the bucket under the cow and milked by hand.  Yes, there was a definite smell in the barn, but I really did get used to it.  And yes, the first time I milked a cow, it felt weird grabbing that part of this animal.  I was always afraid of getting kicked.  My cousins assured me the cow was expecting to be milked and as long as I didn’t hurt her, she would just stand there while I milked her.  They were right. . . . . . so I relaxed and even talked to the cows sometimes.  But enough reminiscing.  Lets get back to the milking bucket.

The Bucket

The milking bucket was metal.  Even though used in a dirty barn, the buckets were kept very clean.  After all, a food was being collected.

Where I’m going here is to equate the milking bucket to the clay jars described in 2 Corinthians 4.  Just like the jars were knocked about and showed damage, the milking buckets did too.  Occasionally a bucket would get kicked or just toppled over if a cow bumped into it.  After that sort of treatment, the bucket had a few dents & dings on the sides, especially after several years of use.

Sometimes the person milking, in an effort to reduce the number of dumping trips, would milk until the bucket was nearly full.  At that point it was much more difficult to carry.  Often while transporting, the bucket would move and sway.  Milk, white treasure, would spill out.

We are clay jars, a little like the milking bucket.  We get knocked around in life.  Tough circumstances from outside or from within our own selves put stress on our earthen vessel.  We chip or crack a bit and sometimes when we are jarred, treasure spills out.

Maybe that sounds bad.  But remember that unlike the milk, when our treasure spills out, it blesses others.  God uses the wonderful treasure we have in our clay pots to encourage, love, care for and lead others to saving faith.

We look at our worn, damaged pot thinking we have nothing to offer.  “Why would God use me?”, you ask.  But He looks at us and says, “You are perfect just the way you are.”  Your jar doesn’t look like anyone else’s jar.  That’s because what God has for you is completely unique.  No one else has the purpose God has chosen for you.  God knows the plans He has for you, and they are good.  His thoughts & ways are not like our thoughts or ways.  I’ve  heard Beth Moore say that when God has a thought, the entire plan is already there.  It’s complete down to the smallest detail.  When you or I have a thought, it’s just an idea.  Planning comes later.

God knew. . . . . .

God formed each one of us and knew from the very beginning what our pots would look like – not just at the beginning, but at the end too, and every moment in between.  Our cracks, dents, or imperfections are not surprises to God.  And He is well able to complete the work He started in us.

I’ve enjoyed remembering the farm, my family, the barn, the cows and the milking buckets.  It was a happy time in my life.  But I think I will stick to the clay pot visual for myself.  I like knowing that God personally formed my clay pot and has a good plan for me.  I’m a treasure-filled clay pot with a purpose. You are too. 


Welcome to Flying Above !

Everyone has turbulence every single day.  None of us does this perfectly. As I share in this simple devotional blog, perhaps it will help you as you experience the day-to-day turbulence as well as devastating turbulence.

Coffee & Jesus

My posts come directly from what I call my “coffee & Jesus” time.  In 2015 God changed the way I met with Him.  He made me slow down.  So as He takes me from book to book, chapter to chapter, verse to verse, I’m listening closely to what the Holy Spirit wants to teach me.  And you know what? I’m seeing new things in God’s word.  Or, at the very least, I am seeing them from a fresh perspective.

Please be kind. . . . . . . . .

Writing has never been my deal.  But God has recently given me a voice – on paper and with actual voice.  I’m not formally schooled in scripture.  But I have walked with God for 50 years and been in women’s ministry for 25 years.  So please realize that I’m merely sharing what God has spoken to me.  Don’t take what I have to say as gospel.  Read God’s word for yourself.  No doubt there will be some who either disagree or feel the need to correct me.  You are welcome to your opinion.  That said – please be kind and respectful  when you comment.

                        Peace & Blessings………..