A Different Looking Kind of Warrior

Judges 6:12  When the angel of the Lord appeared to Gideon, he said, “The Lord is with you, mighty warrior.”   

Galatians 1:10    Am I now trying to win the approval of human beings, or of God?  Or am I trying to please people?  If I were still trying to please people, I would not be a servant of Christ.


I feel like I’ve been just getting through stuff.  Sometimes I feel warrior-like and other times I want to hide away like Gideon.  You too?  But that’s how it goes right?  Sometimes we’re brave and sometimes we want to sit it out. 

In Gideon’s story, the angel makes a startling announcement.  “The Lord is with you, mighty warrior.”  God was letting Gideon see what He saw in him.  Gideon wasn’t buying it and truthfully, I don’t either on most days. 

It’s not easy feeling fully confident in our calling.  Whether you are a people pleaser or not, at some point we are afraid of other’s opinions.  And what makes this fear worse is social media and lots of folks who don’t filter what they say or post.  And so we live a little scared.  We may not admit to it, but we are.

Recently the verse in Galatians has given me courage and hope.  People’s opinions mean nothing stacked up against God’s.  I know that solidly in my head, but my heart doesn’t believe it as much.  Maybe it’s a matter of trust?  Do we trust other’s thoughts and opinions more than God?  If we are honest, sometimes we do.

So maybe like me, you need to repent.  Because I love God SO much and want desperately to please Him, it crumbles my heart to know I’ve chosen to believe others opinions over God’s firm affirmations and direction.  I’m a wreck.

But as I look closely at scripture and see the people God used, I see how they were wrecks too.  God used ordinary people who were so incredibly far from perfect to do great things.

For me, it ends up being a choice – every day and often every hour.  Do I believe God when He tells me I’m a warrior princess?  Am I going to listen and bend to others opinions or am I going to rest solidly in God’s opinion and sovereignty?  We forget, I think, that He created everything – not just planet earth, but the whole universe.  If He did all that and still holds it all together, can’t He take care of us?  If He’s really all that, and He is, can’t He know what is best for us and give us what we need at just the right time?  Yes – to all that.

This is easy for me to write and for you to read, but it’s not easy to implement.  My heartfelt advice, and the only thing that works for me, is to talk to God honestly.  Lay it all at His feet and cry out to Him for courage, wisdom and strength.  In faith tell Him you trust Him, you need Him, you will obey and follow Him.  It’s helpful to speak it, not just pray silently.  Declarations made out loud are powerful.  I pray with all my heart that you will do this and find that peace that transcends all understanding.

As I close, let me offer a prayer for you, yes, but for me too.  We are walking this together.  

Lord – We come to You with all our weaknesses.  We have a hard time believing we are warriors.  And we can be distracted and swayed by the opinions of others.  Remind us of who You are, of Your promises and declarations over us.  Take us to Your word where You give us examples of how You use ordinary people for the kingdom.  Help us be courageous when we would rather hide.  Help us hold up the Shield of Faith to quench the fiery darts of the enemy – those we can see and those we can’t see.  May we stand firm in who You say we are, not bending to the opinions of others.  Thank you for Your word that sustains us – Your grace and wisdom as we move forward – and Your love that is way more than amazing.  Amen

Are you a hypocrite?

2 Corinthians 12:9 NLT

My grace is all you need.  My power works best in weakness.

None of us want to admit to a weakness.  Our culture and society pushes us to be strong, never admitting we don’t have it all together.  The crazy thing is, it’s not real.  Every single one of us struggles with something.  None of us has it completely together.  So Christian or not, we are all a little bit of a hypocrite.

Isn’t that one of the main reasons non-Christians refuse to go to church?  They think we are all hypocrites.  And we ARE in one way or other.  We all sin.  We all fail.  The difference is that we can go to Jesus – – confess, repent, be restored.  And so – – we are not really hypocrites.  We’re forgiven.  Where we become hypocritical is when we lie about our confessed sin.  It’s easy to go to God, accept restoration, but never own up and take responsibility for our words or actions.

The deal is, the world isn’t looking for us to be perfect.  They are looking for people who are authentic – – real.  They stand up and take notice when we own up to a transgression with words of apology.  Unfortunately that scenario is a rarity.  People don’t want to hear words of faith.  They want to see it lived out in your life.  When they see faith lived authentically, they become curious and may just decide that Jesus is worth a second look.

The thing is, if I’m honest, I’m not happy about my weaknesses, my failings, the chinks in my armor.  I would really like to hide all that.  Can’t I just keep it between Jesus and me?  Um……..no, not if I’m serious about being real.

It’s the Velveteen Rabbit story.  When the Velveteen Rabbit became real, his stitching was not intact, his fur was rubbed off in places.  But, he was real.  He was well loved.  He was accepted as is.  In fact, he was treasured.  I want that.  So I need to embrace the things in me that are less than.  I must embrace being honest and authentic.  It’s crucial for me to hold  myself accountable and make apologies.

Bottom line – – I have to be all in with Jesus.  I must totally believe 2 Corinthians 12:9.  God’s grace is all I need.  His power works best in my weakness.  I must unconditionally trust Him.

I invite you to completely trust Him too.  We aren’t wired to roll this way, but with God we can change.  We can embrace the weakness instead of hiding it.  If we are faithful to live authentically before others, it could lead to an opportunity to share what makes the difference in our life.  We can share that it’s not a religion, it’s a relationship.

Lord –  so much in me wants to hide my flaws and mistakes.  Help me trust You completely.  Give me courage to live authentically and be quick to apologize.  Through this let others see You in me.                  – Amen