Crushed By Love

Isaiah 49:16           Psalm 139

Honestly – I’ve been crushed lots lately.  Crushed by a broken heart, overwhelming responsibilities, future uncertainties, intense loneliness, fear of failure – just to name a few.  But as I sit with God, I am crushed by His crazy awesome love for me.  And I am totally crushing on Him because despite the mess that is SO me, He loves me.  He loves me even though I say the wrong things, am afraid, am broken and feel so unworthy.

I’ll never understand His love for me – to die for me is huge enough on it’s own.  But since becoming His child, He still loves me and keeps me even when I’m a disappointment.  His word confirms this over and over.  My name is engraved on His hand – God has tatoos! And He promises He will never leave me – ever!  He gives me promises all over scripture – both Old Testament and New.  And He sprinkles encouragement abundantly through out.  He knows I need it – and He knows you do too.

See, the deal is, I’m not writing this stuff just for me.  Although, writing things down has helped me sort things out and walk closer to God.  No – this stuff is meant to help YOU too!

It’s not easy being transparent in front of the world.  The thing is, if I’m struggling with stuff, I know you are too.  Each one of us wrestles with our own issues.  What crushes you doesn’t crush the next person.  But the fact is – we all get crushed.

This crushing has a purpose.  Our brokenness isn’t for nothing.  And so let’s explore crushing for a moment.

We hate feeling crushed.  But what can crushing do that’s good?  How can a broken soul help another?

When petals of a flower are crushed, that’s when it’s most fragrant.  When a vase is broken and put back together, there are cracks.  If a light is put inside the vase, it will shine through the cracks.

In one way or another, we are all crushed or broken.  God is the Light within us.  And it’s His love that holds us together.  I don’t understand it all, but I do know that it’s all for a reason.  God’s word says each of us has a purpose.  God has plans for us that are good.  None of our mess and frailty are surprises to Him.  He never looks at us and says, “Wow.  I did not see that coming.”  He knows us and loves us anyway.  He calls us by name.

Everything I’m going through is for a reason.  All you are going through is too.

In the midst of our crushing and brokenness, let’s fix our eyes on Jesus, the Author and Perfecter of our faith.  Let’s fall into the arms of Jesus and soak in His crazy awesome, unconditional love.  Let’s put on God’s Armor and take a step forward.  Let’s crush on Jesus and His love.

Crushed and broken we may be, but His light will shine through us and that’s beautiful.