Everyone has turbulence every single day. None of us does this perfectly. As I share in this simple devotional blog, perhaps it will help you as you experience the day-to-day turbulence as well as devastating turbulence.
Coffee & Jesus
My posts come directly from what I call my “coffee & Jesus” time. In 2015 God changed the way I met with Him. He made me slow down. So as He takes me from book to book, chapter to chapter, verse to verse, I’m listening closely to what the Holy Spirit wants to teach me. And you know what? I’m seeing new things in God’s word. Or, at the very least, I am seeing them from a fresh perspective.
Please be kind. . . . . . . . .
Writing has never been my deal. But God has recently given me a voice – on paper and with actual voice. I’m not formally schooled in scripture. But I have walked with God for 50 years and been in women’s ministry for 25 years. So please realize that I’m merely sharing what God has spoken to me. Don’t take what I have to say as gospel. Read God’s word for yourself. No doubt there will be some who either disagree or feel the need to correct me. You are welcome to your opinion. That said – please be kind and respectful when you comment.