He Knows Your Name

John 20: 16  Jesus said to her, “Mary!”  She turned and said to Him in Hebrew, “Rabboni!” (which means, Teacher)  NASB

In March of 2020, I moved from St. Louis to Louisville, KY.  This was a pretty big deal, but even more so at the beginning of a pandemic. 

I had left my support system which had been established for 11 1/2 years to start my life over – completely.  Daunting on it’s own.  Monumental and fraught with difficulty in a pandemic.  

Being the new kid, I was constantly introducing myself because no one knew my name. 

It didn’t take too long before I had some connection with neighbors met during walks in the neighborhood .  I was introduced to a few, very few, folks from church, but not for a couple months.  In each case, I said the same phrase – my name is…………

But there’s one person that didn’t need introduction.  Jesus.  He knew me before the move, through the move, and after the move.  He knows my name.  

I can prove that.  In John 10: 27 it says, “My sheep hear My voice, and I know them,”   Indeed, I have been listening to His voice for a long time.  Best yet – He knows  me.  He knows the real me.  He knows my name. 

And in Isaiah 43: 1 it says, “Do not fear, for I have redeemed you; I have called you by name; you are Mine!”    Wow – redeemed & called by name.  I’m known – I’m His.  

In the key verse, Jesus is speaking to Mary.  She doesn’t realize who He is till He says her name.  Can you even imagine what her heart experienced at that  moment?   Jesus, the one she saw die, was now calling her name.  Breathtaking. And – she was the first one He spoke to once resurrected.  The very first one – Mary – hearing her name.  

There’s something special about the connection of saying a name.  Just by the sound, it communicates so much.  

Tomorrow is Resurrection Day.  It’s an enormous celebration of Jesus’ resurrection.  It’s the reason we have hope.  And to think. . . this resurrected Jesus knows our name He knows my name!!   

That right there is cause for extraordinary celebration.  The Cross – The Resurrection – Jesus.  And He is saying your nameHe is saying my name.  

Hallelujah !  What a Savior

Peace & Blessings








The Awesome Imposssibleness of God

Isaiah 43: 1-3

It’s mid-January in St. Louis.  The dead of winter.  Snow on the ground, 10-12 inches worth.

As I sit in my chair reading Isaiah 43 in the stillness of the morning, I can sense the Spirit speaking to my heart.  

You & I read our bibles looking for something to feed our heart, mind and especially our soul.  Some days it’s stronger than others.  Today is strong, focused, encouraging, bringing hope.

Do not fear is found many times in scripture.  I love that because I need to hear that lots.  You too?

Sp much has happened over the nearly 6 years since my husband’s cancer diagnosis.  I’ve clung to the words – do not fear – in countless situations.  And I still do.  

The description of intense turbulence speaks volumes.  Have you ever felt like you were passing through waters?  Crossing mighty rivers?  Walking through fire?  Can you feel the fear of drowning?  Of fighting the current & depth of a river?  Of enduring intense heat so afraid of being burnt to a crisp?

We all walk through circumstances or situations that make us feel this way.  It’s frightening.  We cry.  We tremble.  We stumble.  We sometimes fall. 

But God never leaves us.  The most comforting part to me in this scripture is the phrase – I will be with you.  Friend, neither of us is alone.  God walks us through the most intense turbulence – waters, rivers and fire, that seem impossible.

But God. . .another common phrase in scripture.  I use it here to show you the awesome impossibleness (new word) of God.

Impossible is where God starts.  I heard that from Christine Caine, a well known Christian speaker and founder of A21 and Propel.  Can you hear God speaking against the intense turbulence in your life?  In this passage He says – don’t fear the waters because I will be with you; don’t fear the rivers because they won’t overflow you; don’t fear the fire because you won’t even be scorched.  And why is this?  “For I am the Lord our God.”

I hope this makes your heart feel better.  It does mine.  God is going to be with me.  None of my turbulent circumstances or situations will do me in because I have the God of the universe, of all time and space, walking with me & in charge of every single moment of my life. Life sometimes feels impossible.       But God. . . . . . .

He has redeemed me! He has called me by name! He knows who I am! And He’s got this thing called life. . .and I trust Him.

Here in the dead of winter, at the beginning of a new year, I have hope and confidence for the future.  I know I’ll come to Isaiah 43 several times this year as the turbulence rises.  I need to remember God hasn’t forgotten me.  I need to remember I am His.  I need to remember the turbulence is no surprise to Him.  I need to remember there’s no reason to fear because He is the Lord, my God.

Maybe you need to remember too.  When you do, when your situation or circumstances become overwhelming, run to Isaiah 43.  Remember the awesome impossibleness of God.