He Knows Your Name

John 20: 16  Jesus said to her, “Mary!”  She turned and said to Him in Hebrew, “Rabboni!” (which means, Teacher)  NASB

In March of 2020, I moved from St. Louis to Louisville, KY.  This was a pretty big deal, but even more so at the beginning of a pandemic. 

I had left my support system which had been established for 11 1/2 years to start my life over – completely.  Daunting on it’s own.  Monumental and fraught with difficulty in a pandemic.  

Being the new kid, I was constantly introducing myself because no one knew my name. 

It didn’t take too long before I had some connection with neighbors met during walks in the neighborhood .  I was introduced to a few, very few, folks from church, but not for a couple months.  In each case, I said the same phrase – my name is…………

But there’s one person that didn’t need introduction.  Jesus.  He knew me before the move, through the move, and after the move.  He knows my name.  

I can prove that.  In John 10: 27 it says, “My sheep hear My voice, and I know them,”   Indeed, I have been listening to His voice for a long time.  Best yet – He knows  me.  He knows the real me.  He knows my name. 

And in Isaiah 43: 1 it says, “Do not fear, for I have redeemed you; I have called you by name; you are Mine!”    Wow – redeemed & called by name.  I’m known – I’m His.  

In the key verse, Jesus is speaking to Mary.  She doesn’t realize who He is till He says her name.  Can you even imagine what her heart experienced at that  moment?   Jesus, the one she saw die, was now calling her name.  Breathtaking. And – she was the first one He spoke to once resurrected.  The very first one – Mary – hearing her name.  

There’s something special about the connection of saying a name.  Just by the sound, it communicates so much.  

Tomorrow is Resurrection Day.  It’s an enormous celebration of Jesus’ resurrection.  It’s the reason we have hope.  And to think. . . this resurrected Jesus knows our name He knows my name!!   

That right there is cause for extraordinary celebration.  The Cross – The Resurrection – Jesus.  And He is saying your nameHe is saying my name.  

Hallelujah !  What a Savior

Peace & Blessings








Where I Found Hope

The Lord himself goes before you and will be with you; He will never leave you or forsake you. Do not be afraid; do not be discouraged.

Deuteronomy 31:8


I love to walk, but not alone.

My husband and I loved to go for walks.  We would walk in our neighborhood, the Air Force base where we were stationed and in local parks.

Sometimes we would hold hands or just walk side by side. We might talk, or not. It didn’t matter.  We were walking together. Together is the important word.

That’s how we walked through life until cancer took him in 2014. That’s when I started walking alone.

My world shattered. My future was uncertain. And my purpose disappeared in the emptiness.  I lost who I was. I lost my dreams. I lost focus.

But just like walking always brings me back where I started, my broken heart brought me back to God’s word, sitting silently in His presence. It was there I cried, I was numb, I was speechless. He wrapped me in His arms and spoke to me from His word. Verses leaped off the page becoming etched on my heart.  Each provided a twinkle of light, and that light sparked hope. I knew that more than loving God, I trusted Him.  I could trust Him to walk with me.

So right then, Deuteronomy 31:8 was tattooed on my heart.  I began speaking it out loud every day. “The Lord himself goes before you and will be with you; He will never leave you or forsake you. Do not be afraid; do not be discouraged.”

It is in God’s word that I found hope. It was a tiny light that got brighter and warmer as I spent time in scripture. . .in His presence. He was filling in the empty cavern inside me. The fact that He will be with me & never leave is what I needed to hear.

Do I know the whole plan? No. Do I like this part of the plan? No. But do I trust the One with the plan? Yes! Oh Yes!

It’s been nearly 7 years since I started my earthly walk alone. God has been with me through daunting life decisions. He has provided wisdom, resources, and help from faithful friends.  I am truly very lonely, but I’m not alone.

This walk with God gives me a spark of joy in my heart.  His purpose is unfolding as I take each step. The light of hope surrounds me and while it might only shine on my current step, it is enough.  

I don’t know what loss has left you walking alone. But I know where you can find hope.  I know Who will walk with you no matter where your journey takes you. Give God a chance and He will walk with you. Out of your emptiness a flicker of light will grow, lighting your path, and leading to hope.

A Crutch or an Anchor?

At the end of 2020 – we all shared a collective sigh……………it’s been so much……too much. 

On the other hand, it’s brought out some very good things in people.  And – I am convinced we will never take certain things for granted…………………ever again.

  • Eating together at a restaurant.
  • Worshiping at church or going to a bible study.
  • Going shopping – not the targeted stuff we do now, but sauntering through a store just to look.
  • Singing in a choir.
  • Hugging…………………………oh my word – yes, the hugs we have missed.
  • Holding hands, touching a face, being close………….the communication of……..TOUCH!

The struggles we have been through cause me to think about what we are holding onto.

Over the years, I’ve heard people talk about faith and liken it to a crutch.  After losing my husband 6 ½ years ago, I am here to tell you and anyone who will listen – – – – – it’s NOT a crutch – IT’S AN ANCHOR !!!

God’s people have had their faith tested sorely this year. And while we are all tired and sad and struggling in one way or another, we are still standing…………….if our faith is truly an anchor

We’ve generally had a pretty easy time of things over the years – with a few major bumps in the road.  This year – the whole road is bumpy. It pushed us, tested us.  Do we really believe what we say we believe??? 

Scripture holds promises – precious promises.  And – we learn so much about God’s character in scripture.  But how well do Christians know scripture?  I don’t mean that we need to sound like we’ve been to seminary.  But what do you know for certain from God’s word, whether you can quote the address of it or not?  Have you had scripture you memorized because it was intensely personal to you? 

It’s all of this that we can hold onto right now…………….and it matters.  And. . . .it will matter, truly matter as we move forward in the days ahead.   

I heard Dr. Charles Stanley say that we need to “obey God and trust Him with the consequences.”  That’s so good.  Do we trust Him?  Do we firmly believe in His character?  He is always faithful.  He will never leave us or forsake us.  He’s the only one that will do that & oh by the way – never change.  Everything around us changes……………..He doesn’t. 

This brings me back to the crutch vs Anchor subject.

A crutch props one up to assist giving extra support.  An anchor is a reliable support, holds an object firmly.  One is temporary and may or may not be reliable.  The other is reliable and can hold firmly.  I don’t know about you, but I want the second one.  No matter what happens, I want something that’s sure, that’s reliable, that will hold me firmly while the storm rages around me. 

Jesus is my Anchor!  The hope, a know so hope, we have in Christ is sure, certain, reliable.  Hebrews 6:19 says – This hope is a strong & trustworthy anchor for our souls.  Hebrews 13:5 says – For God has said, I will never fail you.  I will never abandon you.  (NLT)

That’s what I want.  That’s what I hold to.  That’s my Anchor.

As one who has gone through the top 2 experiences on the Trauma Scale – Death & Move – let me share a couple scriptures that have encouraged me and helped me maintain my focus.

Isaiah 41:13 – For I, the Lord your God, hold your right hand; it is I who says to you, ‘Fear not, I am the One who helps you.’ (ESV)  Deuteronomy 31:8 – The Lord himself goes before you and will be with you; he will never leave you nor forsake you.  Do not be afraid; do not be discouraged. (NIV)

Horrible 2020 is done.  Welcome 2021 !  While it feels like a fresh start, we know everything isn’t going to be normal for quite awhile.  But God……………………oh yes, God’s got this.  He has not relinquished authority or command. 

So dear one, do you have a crutch or an Anchor?   Take time to examine your heart.  Where are you putting your hope? 

Now is the perfect time to seek God’s face and reaffirm that He is your Anchor – for  now & for always. 

What Steals Your Sleep?

In peace I will lie down and sleep, for you alone, O Lord, will keep me safe.   Psalm 4:8


There have always been thoughts that steal our sleep; always been situations that upset us; always anxious feelings whether for good or bad.  It’s probably been like this since the beginning of time. 

Sometimes it’s a choice to hold onto the hurt, the sorrow, the unbelievably exciting, the infinite possibilities, the nervousness, or the pain.  And other times all of that, or some of that, or a piece of that swirls around in our mind and heart on its own with seemingly no end. 

I’ve experienced stolen sleep before and I bet you have too.  Thankfully, it’s rare for me. 

The most common reason for my lack of sleep has revolved around fear – intense fear.  One time the fear was combined with shock, which my friend, is an unbelievably awful combination. 

I would like to tell you that my fears were unfounded, but I can’t.  No – the two times I’m thinking of were pretty accurate in outcome.  Yet, there were great lessons to be learned in each of them.  God is the reason the two situations ended up alright – not perfect,, not what I wanted, but alright – because it was all part of God’s plan. 

It was probably 22 years ago or so when I first held onto Psalm 4:8.  I was having a little trouble getting to sleep, so I decided to recite this verse over and over till I felt relaxed and sleepy.  There is something so wonderful in speaking God’s word.  God met me right there in my fear and calmed my mind and heart.  This verse reminded me the Lord was my safety and because of that, I was ultimately secure. 

There have been other times when I have recited that verse over and over till sleep would come.  Each time I needed to know I was safe.  I needed peace – complete peace

As I write this we have been in a pandemic for roughly 7 months.  We’ve been  bombarded with information overload about not only the pandemic, but politics, financial uncertainty, culture uncertainty. . . . . . . . . . . . . .and a bit of fear. 

So I believe it’s no coincidence that God brought me to Psalm 4:8 today. 

This verse has been an anchor for me and I want to offer this anchor to you. 

We all need absolute truth and peace these days.  God’s word can give that. 

If  you haven’t known where to turn in God’s word for help, comfort and safety, try reading the Psalms.  There you will find the writer is totally transparent and he points to the Rock that holds him securely. 

I need that.  Maybe you do too.  Let’s dive into the Psalms. . .starting with Psalm 4:8. . .peace & safety – a very good place to start. 

Let God put an end to stolen sleep. 

A Shield, Head Lift & Peaceful Sleep

But Thou, O Lord, art a shield about me, my glory, and the One who lifts my head.  I was crying to the Lord with my voice, and He answered me from His holy mountain.  I lay down and slept; I awoke, for the Lord sustains me.    Psalm 3:3-5


These days I want some good news.  You too??

This year, 2020, started out a bit rough and has continued to be one unhappy event after another.  It feels so unending.  I want some good news.  I want to feel a little peace.

So I started reading in the Psalms.  It’s one of my favorite places to go when my heart is a mess.  David is so transparent about what he’s feeling and we get to look into his honest conversations with God. 

These conversations mean so much to me!  They’re real.  They show struggle and overwhelming joy.   Every emotion – every devastating moment – every tear – every dance.  It’s all there and you and I get to experience what David wrote on the page.

Today I looked at Psalm 3 but was particularly drawn to verses 3-5.

This day, I need to be reminded that God is my shield.  The world is out of control, but God is protecting me.  My heart has been up and down, but His shield guards me.  Knowing that gives me courage to face another day.

But I still have my head down sometimes.  You know, life can still feel like too much.  My heart may feel more courageous behind the shield, but my head is still heavy.  That’s why I’m so grateful for the next part of verse 3.  God lifts my head.

The lifting of my head reminds me I’m a daughter of the King.  I’m His princess.  He lifts my head so He can see my face.  And I can see His face too.  his gaze is tender, encouraging and joyful.  I have nothing to fear as I look up.

He has heard my cries to Him.  He knows – He sees – He hears.  And He answers. (verse 4)

Because He’s my shield and lifter of my head, because He hears me and answers, I can peacefully sleep.  

Everyone wants to experience verse 5.  Right??   “I lay down and slept; I awoke, for the Lord sustains me.”

Wow – peaceful sleep because I have nothing to fear.  Peaceful sleep knowing when I awake God will sustain me.  He will help me face the new day. 

2020 isn’t done.   There may be a few more twists and turns.  But for today – this moment right now – my heart is encouraged.  And when I need to cry out to Him again, He will hear me. 

How thankful I am for the Psalms!  God’s word is simply the best and the Psalms do more for my heart than any Netflix movie every could. 

If you need some good news or encouragement, check out Psalm 3.  It’s just one petal in a vast floral arrangement that is the Psalms.  Look closely there and find help, comfort, protection and peace.

Peace & Blessings……………………………..

God Is With Us & That Makes All The Difference

Matthew 1:23   Joshua 1:9    Matthew 28:20   Jeremiah 29:11-13

There’s one thing I’ve done as a widow of 6+ years – walk alone

Seems like a simple statement, but it’s not. 

The two words – walk alone – are heavy, sometimes unbearable.  Because in those words are carried overwhelming decisions, countless events and meetings, even relatively ordinary choices, plus the heart crushing quiet of every. single. night. 

If you’ve never experienced this, my words probably seem pretty heavy handed.  I assure you, they are not.

I hear you asking, so how can you continue to live each day moving forward with this constant heaviness?

Oh friend, let me tell you. 

The heavy burden is still there but I’m not really walking the journey alone.  You see, I have the promise and complete assurance God is with me

When Jesus arrived on the planet, He had many names.  One of them was Immanuel, which means, God with us.  Not God watching from a distance or God standing on the sidelines waiting to give a thumbs up or even God coming for a visit a few times a year. 

No. He is actually with us. This promise is echoed many times in scripture.  I believe God knew we would need to hear it over & over and so He told us – over & over. 

We are bombarded by subtle and not so subtle messages that say – you are completely alone.  It’s one of the recurring themes of the enemy. Unfortunately, it’s extremely effective. 

The enemy of our souls is constantly feeding us the message that we aren’t smart enough, pretty/handsome enough, strong enough, wise enough, thoughtful enough, friendly enough, talented enough – all of that.  We spend thousands of dollars on things that will make us enough.  Or we abandon it all and plummet into the abyss of perceived failure, in whatever form it manifests. But it’s all a lie. 

If you are a Christ follower, God plus you is a majority.  Once He’s with you, He’s always with you.  He will never leave you or forsake you.  Others will leave, sometimes by choice, sometimes not, as in death.  But God is with you from now to forever. 

I have to admit that when I’m feeling the lowest and most alone, the last thing I want to hear is someone say – but God is with you,  so you’re not really alone.  I know that.  I really do.  It’s the only reason I’m still standing. 

When I speak of the awfulness of being physically alone, it’s just that.  Yes, God is with me – He is SO with me.  But in a tangible way, as in a person standing before me with skin, I’m totally alone.  It’s in those times, when the aloneness is so very painful, that I cry out to God.  Actually, I simply cry.  Eyes leaking, ugly sobbing, no words crying.  And I know He heard me.  He is with me. 

The thing is, not only is that very much a physical and emotional release, it’s a touchable moment with God.  It’s a time with God that He isn’t just ethereally present.  He’s perceivably and unmistakably with me.  It’s certain, authentic and nearly tangible in a spirit sort of way.  God, who is Spirit, places His hand on my heart, and holds  it together from shattering irreparably.  He enfolds me in His arms as I lean on Him completely melting.  And He speaks the most piercing, encouraging, inspiring and hope filled words to me. 

He says, “Remember Whose you are and remember who you are.  You are loved, blessed, chosen, adopted, redeemed & forgiven.  You are a daughter of the King.  You are a warrior princess.  You are spectacularly put together.  Your life matters.  I have a plan for you.  It’s not meant to crush you.  It’s a plan full of wonder and hope.  You’re still here, so you have a purpose.  I created you for such a time as this.  I’m right here.  I will always be here.  When you feel weak or unsure, I will be there to give you my strength, wisdom & assurance.  You’re going to be ok, actually more than ok. You’re going to be great.  Keep pressing in to hear from Me.  Trust me with ALL your heart & stop trying to figure everything out.  I am with you………….and that makes all the difference.”