At the end of 2020 – we all shared a collective sigh……………it’s been so much……too much.
On the other hand, it’s brought out some very good things in people. And – I am convinced we will never take certain things for granted…………………ever again.
- Eating together at a restaurant.
- Worshiping at church or going to a bible study.
- Going shopping – not the targeted stuff we do now, but sauntering through a store just to look.
- Singing in a choir.
- Hugging…………………………oh my word – yes, the hugs we have missed.
- Holding hands, touching a face, being close………….the communication of……..TOUCH!
The struggles we have been through cause me to think about what we are holding onto.
Over the years, I’ve heard people talk about faith and liken it to a crutch. After losing my husband 6 ½ years ago, I am here to tell you and anyone who will listen – – – – – it’s NOT a crutch – IT’S AN ANCHOR !!!
God’s people have had their faith tested sorely this year. And while we are all tired and sad and struggling in one way or another, we are still standing…………….if our faith is truly an anchor.
We’ve generally had a pretty easy time of things over the years – with a few major bumps in the road. This year – the whole road is bumpy. It pushed us, tested us. Do we really believe what we say we believe???
Scripture holds promises – precious promises. And – we learn so much about God’s character in scripture. But how well do Christians know scripture? I don’t mean that we need to sound like we’ve been to seminary. But what do you know for certain from God’s word, whether you can quote the address of it or not? Have you had scripture you memorized because it was intensely personal to you?
It’s all of this that we can hold onto right now…………….and it matters. And. . . .it will matter, truly matter as we move forward in the days ahead.
I heard Dr. Charles Stanley say that we need to “obey God and trust Him with the consequences.” That’s so good. Do we trust Him? Do we firmly believe in His character? He is always faithful. He will never leave us or forsake us. He’s the only one that will do that & oh by the way – never change. Everything around us changes……………..He doesn’t.
This brings me back to the crutch vs Anchor subject.
A crutch props one up to assist giving extra support. An anchor is a reliable support, holds an object firmly. One is temporary and may or may not be reliable. The other is reliable and can hold firmly. I don’t know about you, but I want the second one. No matter what happens, I want something that’s sure, that’s reliable, that will hold me firmly while the storm rages around me.
Jesus is my Anchor! The hope, a know so hope, we have in Christ is sure, certain, reliable. Hebrews 6:19 says – This hope is a strong & trustworthy anchor for our souls. Hebrews 13:5 says – For God has said, I will never fail you. I will never abandon you. (NLT)
That’s what I want. That’s what I hold to. That’s my Anchor.
As one who has gone through the top 2 experiences on the Trauma Scale – Death & Move – let me share a couple scriptures that have encouraged me and helped me maintain my focus.
Isaiah 41:13 – For I, the Lord your God, hold your right hand; it is I who says to you, ‘Fear not, I am the One who helps you.’ (ESV) Deuteronomy 31:8 – The Lord himself goes before you and will be with you; he will never leave you nor forsake you. Do not be afraid; do not be discouraged. (NIV)
Horrible 2020 is done. Welcome 2021 ! While it feels like a fresh start, we know everything isn’t going to be normal for quite awhile. But God……………………oh yes, God’s got this. He has not relinquished authority or command.
So dear one, do you have a crutch or an Anchor? Take time to examine your heart. Where are you putting your hope?
Now is the perfect time to seek God’s face and reaffirm that He is your Anchor – for now & for always.