Called to an unknown place……

Genesis 12: 1-20

We moved pretty often as an Air Force family.  By the time we moved to St. Louis in 2008, it was the 13th move in our marriage.  Probably half of the moves were to a specific home – a door to door type thing.  But sometimes not.  We were in essence homeless for awhile before securing housing. 

Even when we went nearly door to door, I didn’t know what was ahead for me.  What would God have for me to do?  How would I invest in the kids, in my husband, in Air Force service, in kingdom service?

Thinking about all I went through came bursting back to life in my mind as I read today’s scripture.  It’s God’s call to Abram.  He was about to embark on the most uncertain part of his life.  Yet in the uncertainty, God was with him.

Me too.  I’ve periodically questioned where God is taking me with this whole Spouse Survivor Guide booklet thing.  I am uncertain at times.  What should I do next?  Am I on track/off track?  Why would God choose me to do this?  I fight feelings of inadequacy.  And yet, I know God is walking with me. I know He has called me.  I know I can’t make it without Him.

God called Abram to go.  Go –> from his country, from his relatives/family, and from a stable, established home to an unknown place. Abram had many challenges.  But he had amazing successes too.  God blessed him greatly and changed his name.  God fulfilled every promise.

That’s my sure hope, and yours too.  The God of Hope is walking with us.  We are not alone.  He promises never to leave us or forsake us.  Hallelujah!!

I’m not going to get things right all the time and neither are you.  Abram had his share of mess-ups and bad decisions.  But God still used him.  God blessed him.  God fulfilled His promises to Abram.  God will use you and me too.  God will bless us and fulfill His promises to us.

I’m still frightened and unsure of my future.  But as long as God is with me, I know it will be not only all right, it will be good.  His word says so.

Jeremiah 29:11      For I know the plans that I have for you, declares the Lord, plans for welfare and not for calamity, to give you a future and a hope.

                                                                                           .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  Amen


*Spouse Survivor Guide information found at



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