5 Smooth Stones

I Samuel 17:38-40

From the outside, my life probably looks fairly simple and in order. Perhaps some would say I lead a charmed life.  And yes, I have been and am truly blessed. But it’s not like their perception at all. As the song by Twila Paris says – “Deep inside this armor, the warrior is a child.”

Life is full of decisions – big, small and oh yes, overwhelming. Add in a complicated calendar and relationship challenges.  And just to top it off, throw in a new direction/path/purpose from God. Mix all together. Sprinkle in some doubt and fear.  Presto! This warrior princess becomes a child running to the Father. 

The verses today have helped me see that God uses what I have to accomplish His plan and purpose.  There’s no need to desire big, over-the-top solutions.  What I need is Him and all He has provided.

David took off the armor of King Saul, which of course, was the best at that time. He used what he had and what worked well in the past.  A staff – a sling – 5 smooth stones.  That’s it!  God took that along with David’s well honed skills acquired over the years plus his unwavering faith in the name of the Lord and provided a stunning victory.

What do I have?  Years of serving others – a deep desire to make a difference in people’s lives – resources to bless others – a strong & abiding faith – a willing heart ready to obey (which includes a little fear…..hey, that’s just how it is).  My 5 smooth stones.

What do you have?  Think about the seemingly little pieces of your life.  What has God placed on your heart?  What experience or skill or resource do you bring to God?  What are your 5 smooth stones?

It would be great if at this point I could give you a splashy end to my story.  But I can’t.  For now, I’m offering God what I have and trusting Him as I walk toward my giant.  Only He knows the end of this story.  My promise to you is that I will take you with me.  Stay tuned and eventually I will tell you what God did with my 5 smooth stones